Research Committee
Supplementary funds for professional faculty development
The College of Science, Engineering and Technology Research Committee is pleased to announce the availability of supplementary funds for professional faculty development in the form of:
- publication costs associated with peer–reviewed manuscripts accepted for publication
- travel awards for faculty with accepted abstracts for conference oral or poster presentations, as well as invited seminars.
To be considered for these awards, faculty must be made aware of following facts and policies:
- The Research committee itself does not possess or award funds. Rather, the committee makes recommendation to the Dean’s office for supporting funds on behalf of the applicant.
- The maximum awards are $1000.00 for publication fees, $1500 for in-state travel, and $2000 for out-of-state travel.
- In order to be considered for an award, the faculty member must demonstrate that: a.) he/she was unsuccessful in obtaining departmental funds for support (this can be accomplished with an email from the departmental chair to the committee chair) and b.) that the applicant has no extramural or seed grant funding which can be used to support his/her publication and/or travel fees.
- The documents to be submitted to the Research Committee for evaluation include: a.) an acceptance/invitation letter, b.) a line item budget, and c.) justifications as described in #3 above.
- Upon receipt of funding, the awardee agrees that he/she will deliver a seminar to the College on either the work that was presented/published or about the information gleaned at the professional development conference (e.g. a grant writing workshop/conference).
To start the review process please fill the Application Form.
Faculty Development Leaves
According to the current Faculty Manual eligible applicants should follow this procedure:
- All faculty members must, prior to the year for which the leave is requested, have completed a period of two (2) or more consecutive years of service at the university before they are eligible to apply for a faculty development leave. Additionally, such faculty will not have been granted faculty development leave in the 5 year period (10 full semesters) immediately preceding the requested start date for the leave.
- Application for faculty development leaves of absence are received by a committee elected by the faculty for evaluation. This faculty committee then makes recommendations to the department chair, then the dean, then the provost to the president who shall then make recommendations to the Board of Regents as to which applications should be granted.
- Application shall be submitted to the president of the university no later than February 1st of each year.
- Returning faculty must submit a report on leave activities to the chair, dean and provost by the conclusion of the first long semester after returning
The timeline of applications for Faculty Development Leave follows the COSET Internal Deadlines:
- Departmental FDL committee (Departmental Research Committee) will submit their recommendation to Department Chair: September 30 (Application Year)
- Department Chair will submit their recommendation to COSET FDL Committee (COSET Research Committee): November 1 (Application Year)
- Faculty will submit application to their respective departments: June 30 (Application Year)
- COSET FDL Committee will submit their recommendation to the Dean: December 1 (Application Year)
- Dean will submit their recommendation to the provost: January 4 (Application Year + 1)
- Provost will submit their recommendation to the President: February 1 (Application Year + 1)
- After favorable recommendation from the President and the Board of Regents, the faculty member can proceed on FDL either in Fall semester (Application year + 1) or in the Spring semester (Application year +2) or for the entire academic year (Fall of application year + 1 and Spring of application year + 2).