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Professor and Interim Chair
SB 403T | (713) 313.1914
Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

I have participated in groundbreaking and/or novel research that consist of electrochemistry, environmental science and life science research.  My research involved 1) investigating the conduction of nanosized metals adhered to modified solid supports, 2) developing nanoscopic electrodes with detection capabilities at trace levels and improve water and soil quality utilizing nanocomposites and 3) modifying solid supports such as textiles and polymers where its functional groups interact with selective biological components.  Since, 1994, my research provided experience in analytical chemistry, electrochemistry, surface science, material science, nanoparticles, textile chemistry, agricultural chemistry, biochemistry, environmental chemistry, polymer chemistry and peptide synthesis.


Assessing the East Bay of Galveston Bay, Texas for Coliform Bacteria in Recreational Water, Quach, T.; Colon, L.; Akinrinlola, A.; Bell, J.; Good, S. Open Journal of Marine Science 2016, 6, 472-481

Citrate-Linked Keto- and Aldo-Hexose Monosaccharide Cellulose Conjugates Demonstrate Selective Human Neutrophil Elastase-Lowering Activity in Cotton Dressings, Edwards, Judson V.;  Caston, Sonya Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 2013, 4, 59-73

A Bio-Sensor for Human Neutrophil Elastase Employs Peptide-p-Nitroanilide Cellulose Conjugates, Edwards, J. Vincent; Caston, Sonya; Howley, Phyllis; Condon, Brian; Arnold, Judy Sensor Letters, 2008, 6, 4, 518-523

New Uses for Immobilized Enzymes & Substrates on Cotton & Cellulose Fibers, J.Vincent Edwards, Abdul J. Ullah, Kandan Sethumadhavan, Sarah Batiste, Patricia Bel-Berger, Terri Von Hoven, Wilton R. Goynes, Brian Condon, and Sonya Caston , American Chemical Society Symposium Series:  Industrial Application of Enzymes on Carbohydrate-Based Material, 2007, 972, 171-185

Detection of Human Neutrophil Elastase with Peptide-Bound Cross-Linked Ethoxylate Acrylate Resin Analogs, Edwards, J. Vincent; Caston, Sonya; Bopp, Alvin F.; and Goynes, Wilton Journal of Peptide Research, 2005, 66, 4, 160-168

2004 Southwest Regional Meeting: “A Systematic Approach to Professional Development”, Caston, Sonya, NOBCChE NEWS OnLine, 2005, 35, 1, 9-11

Characteristics of Nanoscopic Au Band Electrodes, Caston, Sonya L. and McCarley, Robin L.  Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2002, 529, 2, 124-34

X-ray Characterization of Resids from the Wilsonville, Alabama, Two-Stage Direct Liquefaction Facility.  1.  XRD and XRF Analysis of the Illinois No. 6 Resids from Run No. 257, Wertz, David L.; Smithhart, Charles B.; and Caston, Sonya Journal of Coal QualityCQ, 1993, 12, 36