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Associate Professor and Acting Chair
SB 111J | (713) 313.7002
Curriculum Vitae

Education and Training

  • Mississippi State University – PhD in Mathematical Sciences (August 2013) Concentration: Partial Differential Equations, p-Laplacian Equations Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Hai Dang
  • Mississippi State University – Master of Science in Mathematics, 2008 Graduated Summa Cum Laude Thesis Title: An anti-maximum principle for the Sturm Liouville boundary value problem Thesis Advisor: Dr. Hai Dang
  • University of Mississippi – Bachelor Degree in Mathematics, 2006


Dr. Williams is an Associate professor and current Acting Chair in the department of mathematics at Texas Southern University, where he started fall 2013. Dr. Williams received his PhD in mathematics from Mississippi State University (MSU) August 2013 and his master’s in mathematical sciences from MSU May 2008. In particular, his research area is in Partial Differential Equations (PDE). In PDE, he mainly studies the existence and nonexistence to elliptic equations and have some experience with a few programming languages such as matlab and mathematica.

Dr. Williams received his bachelor’s degree in mathematics with a minor in Business from the University of Mississippi (Olemiss) in 2006, where he was a member of Pi Mu Epsilon (Honorary math society). While in graduate school, he received “The outstanding Graduate Student Award”, “Master Recipient of AGEM (Alliance for Graduate Education in Mississippi) scholar award”, and “Faculty Appreciation Award from the James Worthy Bagley College of Engineering Award”. Also, Dr. Williams became an Honors’ professor in the Thomas F. Freeman Honors College at TSU and won two teaching awards at the college and university levels. He attended numerous conferences and gave talks on his research. He also published several papers in professional journals and submitted others.

Honors and Awards

  • Faculty Appreciation Award from the James Worth Bagley College of Engineering and Mississippi State University, May 2011.
  • Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Mississippi StateUniversity, May 2008.
  • Master recipient of AGEM (Alliance for Graduate Education in Mississippi) scholar from MississippiState University, May 2008.
  • Recipient of Pi Mu Epsilon (National Math Honors Society) scholar from University of Mississippi,May 2006.
  •  McCleary Teaching Excellent Award, May 10, 2016.
  • Texas Southern University College of Science, Engineering and Technology Distinguished

       Teaching Award, April 28, 2016.

Research Interests

Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematics, & Difference Equations

Recent Publications

  • “On the Solutions of a System of Nonlinear Difference Equations”, Int. J. Difference Equ. 10(2), 161 (2015).
  • “Positive radial solutions for a class of singular p-Laplacian system in a ball”, J. Math. 12(3), 791 (2015).
  • “Positive radial solutions for a class of quasilinear boundary value problems in a ball” with D. Dang, Nonlinear Analysis, 75(4), 1744 (2012).


  • “Positive Radial Solutions for a class of Quasilinear Boundary Value Problems in a ball”, at the University of Houston April 17, 2015
  • “Positive Radial Solutions for a class of Quasilinear Boundary Value Problems in a ball”, at the Praire View A&M University April 24, 2015.
  • “Positive radial solutions for a class of quasilinear boundary value problems in a ball”, at the 35th Annual Texas Partial Differential Equations Conference held March 3-4, 2012.
  • “An anti-maximum principle for the Sturm Liouville boundary value problem”, at the 2009 Differential Equation Weekend in Memphis, November 9, 2011. Invited to a workshop on “Computational Wave Propagation” at Michigan State University held June 7-25, 2010.
  • “Euler’s formula”, at the University of Mississippi Pi Mu Epsilon (National Math Honors Society) held April 2006.