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SB 403H | (713) 313.1044
Curriculum Vitae

Education and Training

  • Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (1998), Graduate School of Biomedical Science, University of Texas at Houston. Dissertation Title: Stability and Potential Application of Spliced Nuclear Pre-mRNA Introns
  • M.S. in Epidemiology and Microbiology (1989), Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Beijing, China.
  • Medical Degree (1983) Shandong Medical University, Jinan, China, Public Health (Officially evaluated by Global Credential Evaluators asequivalent to MD in the U.S., 1997)


Research Interests

Research/Scholarly Activities

Recent Publications

Selected Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Publications

  1. Clement, JQ (2012) Gene Expression Microarrays in Microgravity Research: Toward the Identification of Major Space Genes, Biotechnology/Book 2, E.C. Agbo, Ed., InTech, ISBN 979-953-307-671-2
  2. Clement, JQ (2010) Microarray Profiling of Genome-Wide Expression Regulation in Response to Environmental Exposures, A Practical Guide to Bioinformatics Analysis, G.P.C. Fung, Ed., Iconcept Press, Brisbane, pp 23-40. ISBN: 978-0-9807330-2-0
  3. Zhang Y, Clement JQ, Gridley DS, Rodhe, L, Wu H (2009) Protein expression profile changes in human fibroblasts induced by low dose energetic protons. Advances in Space Research. 44(12): 1450-1456.
  4. Clement JQ and Yokota H. (2008) Genomics in Space Life Science. Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics. 6(1):1-3.
  5. Clement JQ, Lacy SM, Wilson BL (2008) Gene Expression Profiling of Human Epidermal Keratinocytes in Simulated Microgravity and Recovery Conditions. Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics 6(1):8-28


Funded Grants
Project: Molecular Toxicology of Bisphenol A
Role: PI
Agency: TSU Seed Grant
Duration: 12/1/2010-1/11/2012
Direct Support: $10,000

Project: Graduate Student Education and Development
Role: Co-PI
Agency: NIH/RCMI
Duration: 09/04-08/10
Direct Support Level: $733,000
Grant Number: RR03045-12A1

Project: Identification of Major Space Genes
Role: Co-PI
Duration: 06/03-04/09
Direct Support: $670,000
Grant Number: NCC9-165 Project: Cellular and Molecular Toxicological
Evaluation of Bio-Nano Materials
Agency: NASA Texas Institute for Intelligent Bio-Nano Materials and
Structures for Aerospace Vehicles (TiiMS)
Role: Co-PI
Duration: 09/02-08/07
Direct Support: $50,000

  • Unfunded Grants

Project: Molecular Toxicology of Bisphenol A
Role: PI
Agency: Welch Foundation
Submitted: February 2013
Direct Support: $180,000

Project: miRNA Analysis of Bisphenol A Effect
Role: PI
Agency: Exiqon, Inc
Submitted: February 2011
Requested Support: $40,000

Project: Effect of Modeled Microgravity Environment on Expression Profiles
of microRNA in Human Lymphoblastoid Cells
Role: Co-PI
Agency: NASA (announcement NNH08ZTT003N)
Submitted: September 2008
Requested Support: $300,000