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SB 403AA | (713) 313.1898
Curriculum Vitae

Education and Training

  • BS in Physics at Texas Southern University (1982)
  • MS in Chemistry at Texas Southern University (1988)


Mr. Daryl F. Wilkerson is currently an Instructor and Laboratory Coordinator of Chemistry at Texas Southern University, with an Masters Thesis, Title: A/ STUDY OF RADIONUCLIDES AS FOUND IN THE AQUEOUS ENVIRONMENT NEAR A COAL FIRED ELECTRIC POWER PLANT/, his research centered on the study of selected radio-nuclides (K-40, U-238, U-235, and Th-232) and their daughter products in the aqueous environment surrounding a coal- fired electric power plant near Houston, Texas. Gamma-ray spectroscopy, consisting of a NaI(TI) scintillation detector, multichannel analyzer and IBM(PC) computer was used in analyzing the samples.

Research Interests

Research/Scholarly Activities

Recent Publications (out of a total of xxx)
