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NTA-SYE-ITS seminar

National Technical Association (NTA)
Society of Young Engineering (SYE)
Intelligent Transportation Society (ITS) Student Chapter


Activity-based model and other emerging trends for travel demand modeling


ChiPing Lam

Chief Transportation Planner Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC)
Friday, April 29, 2016 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Room 216 at Technology Building


Until recently, the 4-Step travel-demand model has been the standard practice for travel demand forecasting. Now more researchers and travel demand modelers are promoting other advance practices to supplement or to replace the 4-step model. Activity-Based Model (ABM) is perhaps the most popular among these emerging advanced practices for travel demand forecasting. Yet, even many professional travel demand modelers do not know much about activity-based model. What is this mysterious activity-based model? Why some modelers do not satisfy with the 4-step model and calls for advanced travel demand practices? Why do they prefer activity-based model? This seminar will discuss the basic concepts of activity-based model, and explain the reasons for moving towards activity-based model. It also introduces other emerging trends for travel demand modeling, such as dynamic traffic assignment and fright modeling.

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