The College of Science and Technology Dean’s Student Advisory Council is a dynamic group of students nominated to represent their major departments on a committee to provide input to the Dean’s office on student issues and to provide input into improving the College. During the academic year, this council met on a monthly basis with Dean, Dr. Lei Yu, and Interim Assistant Dean, Dr. Desirée Jackson, to discuss student concerns in their departments, and to plan for a larger forum for all COST majors to express their concerns and make their suggestions. The council hosted the first ever Town Hall meeting on April 4, 2011. The question and answer session was well attended by students and department Chairs from many departments. Dr. Betty Cox, Associate Vice President for Student Academic Enhancement Services, and Mr. Alus Dove, Director of Safety, were among the invited guests. Council members Chelse Hoover (Engineering Technology),Cedric Kouamou (Chemistry), Andre White, Landra Williams (Physics), and Anthony Victorain (Engineering Technology) served as facilitators. Other council members include: Bennett Abraham (Aviation Science), Emmanuel Obi and Olusegun Ogunniyi (Biology), Alicia Simmons (Computer Science), Bita Iranmadar-Maki (Environmental Toxicology), Jermaine Potts (Industrial Technology), Dexter Khan(Maritime), and Yubian Wang (Transportation Studies).

Dean’s Student Advisory Council members Emmanuel Obi, Alicia Simmons, Anthony Victorain and Olusegun Ogunniyi (photo: H. Miranda).

Council member Jermaine Potts poses a question as Dr. Yu and Dr. Cox look on (photo: H. Miranda).

Dr. Jackson giving a pep talk to the students (photo: H. Miranda).
Article by Dr. Desiree Jackson