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Houston Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation

Mission and goals


The mission of the Houston Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (H-LSAMP) program is to increase the number of underrepresented students, who graduate with bachelor degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Even though this program is intended for the purpose of increasing the number of underrepresented minorities in STEM fields, anyone who meets the qualifications criteria will be considered as a candidate for an award. The Houston Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation program recently completed 15 years of operation and has been renewed for another 5 years at 3.75 million dollars from the National Science Foundation.

Texas Southern University now serves as the lead institution in the Houston Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (H-LSAMP) Senior Alliance for the current 5-year funding period of August 1, 2014- September 30, 2019. The H-LSAMP program is currently in its 17th year of operation and has been designated by a team of External Evaluators as a “model program for the nation”. Moreover, Texas can lay claim to the National Science Foundation (NSF) bragging rights and boasts of being the only state with (3) LSAMP programs in the country. The same team has been in place at Texas Southern University with the LSAMP program since 2000 which has been valuable in retaining the breadth and depth of history and the many achievements to date of the LSAMP program.

    1. The primary goal of the program is to develop strategies for the recruitment of students from high schools which offer rigorous science and mathematics curriculum in Texas and throughout the United States. This model has proven to be very successful.
    2. Another goal is Implement recruitment strategies that includes attendance at college fairs, recruitment fairs, career nights, meeting with high school counselors, and college bound coordinators at area high school and community college campuses in the surrounding areas and across the nation to identify promising students, whose are interest in the STEM fields.
    3. The final goal is to create an academic environment that will lead to increases in TSU’s retention and graduate rates. This objective will also lead to an increase in the number of minority students entering graduate school and national workforce in STEM fields.


L. Lloyd Woods Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Shell Oil Endowed Chaired Professor of Environmental Toxicology
SB 403L | (713) 313.7452
Curriculum Vitae

Funding source

National Science Foundation Grant Number: HRD-1407736

Associate Director

Fairchild 119A | (713) 313.1046
Curriculum Vitae

Program Coordinator/Recruiter

Program Coordinator
SB 103 | (713) 313.4278

Contact Information

Dr. Bobby Wilson
Department of Chemistry
NSB Room 403L


Fairchild 119A | (713) 313.1046
Curriculum Vitae
COE Basement 001 K | (713) 313.7118
Curriculum Vitae


The LSAMP program currently funds 50 students.

LSAMP Scholars aim to be recognized as a group of elite students known for pursuing academic excellence, undertaking rigorous course, and employing critical and analytic skills. They are preparing for graduate school and/or challenging careers in the global economy. We believe that top-flight scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians (STEM) of the future are being trained at TSU.

LSAMP Scholars aim to be recognized as a group of elite students known for pursuing academic excellence, undertaking rigorous course, and employing critical and analytic skills. They are preparing for graduate school and/or challenging careers in the global economy. We believe that top-flight scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians (STEM) of the future are being trained at TSU.


  1. National Science Foundation- LSAMP Scholarships awards are based on the GPA, Rank, and SAT/ACT Scores in an amount of $4,000.00-$12,000.00 per year. Only four majors are supported with direct funding. They are Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics or Physics.
  2. Texas Southern University Local Scholarship Fund-LSAMP Scholarships awards are based on the GPA, Rank, and SAT/ACT Scores in an amount of $4,000.00 – $12,000.00 per year. Only four majors are supported with direct funding. They are Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics or Physics.
  3. NASA Texas Space Grant Consortium –Two to three Columbia Memorial Crew Scholarships in an amount of $1,500.00 for the academic year are awarded each year.
  4. LSAMP Bridge to Doctorate Funding-Graduate School fellowships in an amount of $32,000 per year for the first two years are available LSAMP graduates nationwide.

Conference Papers

National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE), Indianapolis, Indiana; May 27-31, 2014, “Broadening Participation in the STEM Disciplines: Promising and Proven Practices” presented by Dr. Bobby Wilson.

Conference Presentations

  • Wilson, Bobby, “A New Agenda for Higher Education the United States: A Nation in Crisis,” Workshop at Lone Star College-Victory Center, Houston, Texas, August 29, 2015.
  • Reed, Raven, Tarver, Siobhan, and Wilson, Bobby, “Preliminary Assessment of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Indoor Parking Facilities in the Houston Area,” Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Washington, DC, February 19-21, 2015.
  • Wilson, Bobby, “Raising Parental Awareness in S.T.E.M. Education and Equipping Sons and Daughters to Succeed,” NBITLO Houston 2013: Beyond S.T.E.M. Meeting of the National Black Information Technology Leadership Organization, Houston, Texas, October 26, 2013.
  • Wilson, Bobby, “A New Agenda for Higher Education the United States: A Nation in Crisis,” 67th National Pan-Hellenic Council Biennial National Leadership Conference Houston, Texas, October 26, 2013.
  • Wilson, Bobby, “A New Agenda for Higher Education the United States: A Nation in Crisis,” 81st Grand Chapter Meeting of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Houston, TX, August 6-11, 2013.


  • Keller, R., Bradbury, J., Cramer, R., Erickson, E., Forch, B., Meyer, S., Wilson, B., “Disposal Options for the Rocket Motors from Nerve Agent Rockets Stored at Blue Grass Army Depot,” National Research Council of the National Academies, Board on Army Science and Technology, International Book Number-13: 978-0-30-26045-9, 2012.
  • Evaluation Reports of the H-LSAMP Program have been conducted and are on file over a 16 year period from 2000 – 2016 by the External Evaluators of the program, Dr. Martin Bonsangue and Dr. David Drew. These reports are on file in the TSU LSAMP Collaborative Learning Center, Room 103 NSB.

Book Chapters

“A Model for Improving Graduation and Retention Rates for STEM Students at an HBCU”, Models for Success, third edition, (Wilson, B.L., Obot, V.D, Taylor, W.E.), Thurgood Marshall College Fund/Department of Defense, page 176-190, 2008.


LSAMP scholars’ secured summer paid internships at many prestigious universities, national laboratories, and government agencies. The period of internships range from 6 to 12 weeks. The program also provides undergraduate student travel awards.