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The annual workshop of the Aerosol, Cloud, Precipitation, and Climate (ACPC) Working Group will be held on May 17-19, 2023 at Texas Southern University. The ACPC workshop will be preceded by a TRACER Science Workshop on May 16, 2023. The workshops are organized in collaboration with Brookhaven Science Associates.

ACPC aims at a better scientific understanding of the interactions between aerosols, clouds, precipitation, and climate at a fundamental level. The goal is to identify, disentangle, and quantify signals of impacts of aerosol perturbations on clouds, precipitation, and radiation, considering adjustments and feedback processes by synergistically exploiting observations and models across scales.

Scientists from the Brookhaven National Laboratory chose the Houston region for the TRacking Aerosol Convection interactions ExpeRiment (TRACER) because it offers a unique environment where isolated convective systems are common and experience a spectrum of polluted aerosol conditions from urban and industrial areas. In addition, surrounding areas also show significantly lower background aerosol concentrations.

All talks will be given in Auditorium 114 in the School of Public Affairs.

TSU faculty and students are encouraged to participate.

A Popular Science Lecture open for the public will be delivered on Thursday, May 18 at 6:00 pm in Auditorium 114 in the School of Public Affairs. Middle school and high school students are particularly welcome, as well as their families.

Title: Clouds, climate and tiny particles with big effects

Dr. Maria Zawadowicz is an early career scientist at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Her research interests include chemical transformations of gases and particles in the atmosphere and the effects of biological systems on climate.

Please download the agenda for the meeting: agenda.pdf

Brookhaven Science Associates manages and operates Brookhaven National Laboratory on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science. BSA is a partnership between Battelle and The Research Foundation for the State University of New York on behalf of Stony Brook University.

Summer Undergraduate Research Experience

Texas Southern University’s NSF funded Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Program is now accepting applications to join a dynamic research team to develop your research skills toward future careers and graduate school.


in Microbiology, Environmental Science, Biology, Environmental Chemistry, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing, Environmental Engineering.


10 Week Summer Program: May 29 to Aug 4, 2017 $5,000 Stipend
SURE Positions Available: 5

To apply, please send an application letter, curriculum vitae, unofficial copies of transcripts and contact information of three references to Dr. Maruthi Sridhar B.Bhaskar at Applications will be accepted until March 5, 2017 or a suitable candidate is selected. Review of applications will begin on March 10, 2017 and will continue until the positions are filled. For more information contact:; Phone: (713) 313-1388.

Please download the flyer here

Yakubu, Momoh

Education and Training

  • 1979-1982 B.Sc. Honors,University ofIbadan,Nigeria(Pharmacology
    and Therapeutics)
  • 1988-1989 Postgraduate Certificate,StowCollege, Glasgow
  • 1986-1989 Ph.D,University of Glasgow,Scotland. (Materia Medica/


  • 1989 -1990 Postdoctoral Training, University Dept of Medicine &
    Therapeutics, Glasgow. (Prof John L. Reid)
  • 1990 -1992 Postdoctoral Associate,MichiganStateUniversityDept of
    Molecular Microbiology.Lansing. (Prof Felipe Kierszenbaum)..
  • 1992 -1994 NIH Postdoctoral Fellow,UniversityofTennessee, Dept of
    Physiology,Memphis. (Prof Charles W. Leffler).

NSF Panelist 2013 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Bridges Faculty to the Professoriate: Institute on Teaching and Mentoring (Compact Faculty diversity/SREB) 2012 Admitted Member: Mission Connect-The Institute for Rehabilitation and
Research (TIRR) 2011

TSU Faculty Excellence Award April 2011
Co-Chair, Vasospasm Signal Transduction Session: 10th International
Conference on Cerebral Vasospasm, Chongqing, China, October 8-12, 2009.
First Place: Best Oral Presenter, TSU Research Week 2009.
Chair and moderator: NHLBI 11th Annual Cardiovascular Research Awardees session Nov. 2003 (Orlando, FL)
NIH AREA award 2002-2006
Editor: BioMed Scientist 2002-
NIH: Scientist Award Co-PI 2001-
AHA (SE-Affiliate) Grant-In-Aid 2000-2003
NIH Research award 1996-2000
AHA (TN Affiliate) Grant-In-Aid 1996-1998
University of Tennessee Medical Group Research Award 1995-1996
Univ. TN, Memphis Award for Outstanding Services to the Science Enrichment Program 1992-1997.
NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, 1990-1992
British Medical Research Council Postdoctoral Research Assistantship, 1989-1990
The University of Maiduguri Study Fellowship, 1985-1989
Benue State Government Scholarship, 1979-1982

Research Interests

Field 1: Environmental Toxicants and Toxicology
Field 2: Vascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases: Diabetes, Hypertension, Stroke, Brain Injury
Field 3: Drug Development and Alternative Medicine: Synthesis and Evaluation of Metal complexes and Herbal Plants for Biological Activities

Research/Scholarly Activities


  1.  Synthesis and evaluation of metal complexes with thiourea/aromatic N-ligands as anticancer agents
  2.  Molecular consequences of exposure to complex chemical mixtures
  3.  Profiling and analysis of emerging contaminants in Houston drinking water sources.
  4.  Analysis of herbal/ medicinal plants and their potential in alternative medicine and therapeutic
  5.  Investigation of molecular targets for stroke treatments and cerebrovascular dysfunction
  6.  Integrated analysis of exposure to single and multiple pesticides
  7.  Environmental forensic: An integrated environmental research


Research Articles

Yakubu, MA, Sofola, OA, Igbo, I, nd Adebayo, AO. Streptozotocin-induced diabetes attenuates cAMP, nitric oxide synthase, and bradykinin-mediated relaxations. Bratislava Medical Journal 113, 2, 59-63, 2012; doi:10.4149/BLL_2012_014

Yakubu, MA, Anozie O, Nsaif, RH and Oyekan AO. Differential effects of tyrosine kinase protein kinase C on acute subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced changes in cerebral hemodynamics in rats. Brain Research (In review)

Yakubu, MA, Nsaif, RH and Oyekan AO. Regulation of PPAR expression and NO production in cerebrovascular endothelial cells by PKC. International Journal of Biomedical Sciences and Clinical Medicine (Bratislava Medical Journal) 2010; 111 (5), 258-264.

Anozie O, Ross R, Oyekan OA, Yakubu, MA. Differential modulation of bradykinin-induced relaxation of endothelin-1 and phenylephrine contractions of rat aorta by reactive oxygen species. Acta Pharmacologia Sinica. 2007; 28(10): 1566-1572.doi: 10.1111/j.1745-7254.2007.00631.x

Yakubu, MA, Nsaif, RH and Oyekan, OA. PPARI^+- activation-mediated regulation of ET-1 production via nitric oxide and protein kinase C signaling pathways in piglet cerebral microvascular endothelial cell culture. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2007, 14; 320(2):774-81; 2006 Nov 14; DOI: 10.1124/jpet.106.104992

SELECTED Abstracts:

  1. 1. Yakubu MA, Omobowale TO, Oyagbemi AA. Adedapo AA. (2016) Azadirachta Indica Ameliorates Ischemia/Reperfusion- and Hypertension-Induced Cardio-Renal Dysfunctions Mediated by Oxidative Stress. BIT’s 6th Annual International Congress of Medichem-2016 Theme: Efficient Creators of Future Therapy, Nanjing, China, November 16-19, 2016.
  2.  Yakubu MA. (2016) The paradox of environmental poisonous gases: From environmental rotten egg hydrogen sulfide to gaso-therapeutics at the bedside. 13th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Environmental Health Research to be hosted by Jackson State University, September 11-14, 2016 at the Jackson Marriott Hotel in Jackson, Mississippi
  3.  Yakubu MA, Brinkley NS, and Bessac B. (2016) Lindane (g-Hexachlororcclohexane) Exposure Impairs Ca2+-Mediated Vascular Reactivity. 13th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Environmental Health Research to be hosted by Jackson State University, September 11-14, 2016 at the Jackson Marriott Hotel in Jackson, Mississippi.
  4.  Adedapo, AA, Oyagbemi AA, Fagbohun OA, Omobowale TO, Yakubu MA (2016). Evaluation of the anticancer properties of the methanol leaf extract of Chromolaena odorata on HT29 lung cancer cell line. FASEB J April 2016 30:1193.6
  5.  Oyagbemi A., Omobowale T., Olowu, ER., Adedapo A., Oyekan AO., and Yakubu MA (2016) Kolaviron attenuated arsenic acid-induced cardiovascular dysfunction by enhancing antioxidant defense system and inhibiting inflammatory and apoptotic signaling pathways FASEB J April 2016 30:939.5

Research Grants

FUNDED Grants:

AFSCAN Research Award (UK) Molecular Characterization of Canine Parvovirus-2 Viruses Circulating in Dogs in Nigeria $9,045 (2016-2018): PI: Omóbòwálé TO, (University of Ibadan College of Veterinary Medicine, Collaborator/Mentee); Co-PI: Yakubu, MA.
IIE Grantee ID: 15410197: Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship $25,650 (2014-2015): PI: Yakubu MA.
5R25HL003674-08: NIH: TSU Research Scientist Award: $3,975,708 (2001-2013) Co-PI: Yakubu MA.
1R15HL70669-01: NIH: Regulation of Cerebral Microvascular endothelin production (2002-2008). $180,802 PI: Yakubu, MA.
AHA (SE-Affiliate) Grant-In-Aid: Mechanisms of Inhibition of endothelial cyclooxygenase by blood hemolysates, $120,000 (2000-2002) PI: Yakubu, MA.
NIH Supplementary Award. Regulation of Cerebral Microcirculation. $250,000 (1996-2000) Awardee: Yakubu, MA,

FASEB/MARC: Grant writing Seminar/Workshop Award at Orlando, FL. ($1,900) Aug. 1999.
AHA (TN Affiliate) Grant-In-Aid. Roles of ET-1 and LPA in hematoma-induced changes in cere­bral microcirculation. $50,000 (1996-1998) PI: Yakubu, MA
University of Tennessee Medical Group Research Award. Hematoma and cerebral vasoreactivity: Role of endothelin-1. $12,450, (1995-1999) PI: Yakubu, MA


Shishodia, Shishir

Education and Training

  • BS Biology (Zoology Honors), 1991, St. Xaviers College, Ranchi University, Ranchi, India
  • MS Zoology (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), 1993, Center for Advanced Studies in Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
  • Ph. D Biotechnology, 1997, School of Biotechnology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
  • Dissertation Title: In Vitro Activation of Murine Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages: Role of Signal Transduction
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2001-2005, Department of Bio-immunotherapy/Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas


Shishir Shishodia, PhD is a Professor of Biology at Texas Southern University. He earned his PhD in Biotechnology from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, and did his postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. His research interests include cytokine signaling, the role of transcription factors in tumorigenesis, and modulation of transcription by natural products. He has identified several natural compounds that exhibit anticancer properties and has published over 60 peer-reviewed papers, 10 book chapters, and co-edited the books “Resveratrol in Health and Disease” and “The Molecular Targets and Therapeutic Uses of Curcumin in Health and Disease“. Dr. Shishodia is a recipient of the BHU Medal for securing highest grades in MS Zoology Program at Banaras Hindu University, India. He received the Theodore N. Law Odyssey Special Fellow Award for outstanding scientific achievements at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas and the Texas Southern University Scholarly Research/Creative Activities Excellence Award. At The College of Science and Technology, Texas Southern University, he was awarded the Distinguished Research Award, Distinguished Service Award and multiple Deans Leadership Awards.

Research Interests

Signal Transduction, Cancer Biology, Transcription Factors, Inflammation, Chemoprevention, Natural Products, Microgravity and Radiation Exposure, Dust Exposure


Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Science, Engineering and Technology, TSU, Sep 2012-onwards

Interim Chair, Environmental and Interdisciplinary Sciences, College of Science, Engineering and Technology, TSU, July 2015-onwards

Professor, Department of Biology, Texas Southern University, Sep 2016-onwards

Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Texas Southern University, Sep 2011- Aug 2016

Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track), Department of Biology, Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas, USA, Sep 2005- Aug 2011

Postdoctoral Fellow, Cytokine Research Section, Dept. of Bio-immunotherapy/ Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA, Jul 2001 to Aug 2005

Assistant Professor (Tenured), Department of Zoology, Patna University, Patna, India, Nov 1996 to Jun 2001

Senior Research Fellow (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, India), School of Biotechnology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, Sep 1996 to Nov 1996

Junior Research Fellow (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, India), School of Biotechnology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, Sep 1994 to Aug 1996


American Association of Cancer Research, Associate Member, 2004
Texas Academy of Science, Member, 2009
Texas Association of Advisors of Health Professions, 2011


2007 – Summer Research Fellowship, Texas Southern University and University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Undergraduate Collaborative Training Program in Prostate Cancer Research sponsored by the Department of Defense, USA.

2005 – The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Odyssey Special Fellow Award sponsored by the Theodore N. Law Award for Scientific Achievement.

1996 – Senior Research Fellowship Award, Joint University Grants Commission and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, India.

1994 – Junior Research Fellowship Award, Joint University Grants Commission and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, India.


2015 – Highly Cited Researcher in Pharmacology and Toxicology, The Worlds Most Influential Scientific Minds, Thomson Reuters, Web of Science,

2014 – Distinguished Advisement Award, College of Science and Technology, Texas Southern University

2014 – Dean’s Leadership Award for Outstanding Contribution to the College of Science and Technology, Texas Southern University

2012 – Distinguished Service Award, College of Science and Technology, Texas Southern University 2011 – Dean’s Leadership Award for Developing the College of Science and Technology Annual Report,Texas Southern University

2010 – Certificate of Exceptional Merit in recognition of being awarded the Scholarly Research/CreativeActivities Award, Texas Southern University

2010 – Distinguished Research Award, College of Science and Technology, Texas Southern University 2010 – Dean’s Leadership Award for Developing the College of Science and Technology Newsletter, Texas Southern University

2008 – 1 st place in Faculty Oral Presentation, Texas Southern University Research Week.

1993 – BHU Medal for highest grades in M.S. (Zoology) program, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.

1993 – Ramakrishna Reddy Award for highest grade in Biochemistry special paper in the M. S. (Zoology) program, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.

1993 – AB Mishra Memorial Endowment Award, first in the order of merit in the M.S. (Zoology) program,Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.

1993 – Book Award from Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund for Academic Distinction in M.S. (Zoology) program at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.


1. National Science Foundation Excellence in Research (BCS 1831205)

Title: Analyzing the Impact of Landscape Change on the Watershed Dynamics of a Flood-Prone Urban Region
Role in project: PI
Dates and costs of entire project: 09/01/18-02/28/23, $500,000 (Total)
Major goals: This project will analyze the relationship between land-use/land-cover change, urban flooding, and water pollution. Investigators will consider how increasing population growth, extensive urban development, and related landscape changes have altered natural watershed ecosystems, stressing natural resources and processes, thereby contributing to water pollution.

2. National Science Foundation Research Infrastructure in Science and Engineering (HRD 1829184)
Title: Characterization, Dynamics, and Biological Impact Indoor Airborne Dust Exposure
Role in project: Co-PI (PI: Dr. Daniel Vrinceanu)
Dates and costs of entire project: 10/01/18-09/30/23, $1M (Total)
Major goals: Conduct basic science research that leads to improved understanding of the general biological principles guiding eukaryotic and prokaryotic cellular responses to indoor airborne dust.

3. Joint Admissions Medical Program (JAMP Council, State of Texas Government Agency)
Role in project: TSU JAMP Faculty Director (2010-2023), $13000/year
Major goals: Assist with recruitment and provide mentorship to JAMP students

4. National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE 2130317)
Title: Collaborative Research Improving Access to Career and Educational Development for Talented, Low-Income Students through the Flexible Internships-Research-Education Model
Role in project: Senior Personnel (PI: Dr. Azime Saydam)
Dates and costs of entire project: 10/15/21-09/30/27, $954,605.00 (Total)
Major goals: The project will contribute to the national need for well-educated scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and technicians by supporting the retention and graduation of highachieving, low income students with demonstrated financial need at Rice University, Texas Southern University, Prairie View A&M University, and Jackson State University.

5. National Science Foundation Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (HRD 1915995)
Title: The AGEP Data Engineering and Science Alliance Model: Training and Resources to Advance Minority Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Researchers into Faculty Careers
Role in project: Evidence Team Member (PI: Dr. Wei Li)
Dates and costs of entire project: 09/01/19-08/31/24, $311,429.00 (Total)
Major goals: This collaborative research project brings together Rice University, Texas Southern University and the University of Houston, with the goal to develop, implement, study, evaluate, disseminate, sustain and potentially reproduce an AGEP Alliance Model to support and advance historically underrepresented minority (URM) STEM doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers into faculty positions in data engineering and science (DES) fields.

6. National Science Foundation HSI Institutional Transformation Project (HRD 2122825)
Title: Unified Community of Support – Building Capacity for STEM Transfer Students’ Success (UCSSTSS)
Role in project: Texas Southern University STEM Faculty Liaison (PI: Dr. Ana Sanchez, Galveston College)
Dates and costs of entire project: 09/01/2021-08/31/26, $2,887,873.00 (Total)
Major goals: With support from the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Program, this Track 3 ITP project aims to (1) build intra-institutional capacity through a Unified Community of Support; (2) create systemic and sustained institutional change that supports STEM Mentors in implementing evidence-based practices that enhance equitable student outcomes in STEM; (3) build inter-institutional capacity across a Regional Transfer Alliance to enhance STEM student transfer rates and transfer success; and (4) implement a theory-guided iterative research design focused on improving the understanding of how actors and institutions in higher education work within a systemic context to build capacity and on how to increase equitable participation and success in STEM using an intersectionality framework.


1. National Science Foundation Research Infrastructure in Science and Engineering (HRD 1345173)
Title: Characterization of Bio-molecular Response to Environmental Stress
Role in project: PI
Dates and costs of entire project: 03/15/14-02/28/20, $1M (Total)
Major goals: Conduct basic science research that leads to improved understanding of the general biological principles guiding eukaryotic and prokaryotic cellular responses to environmental stress.

2. National Science Foundation Targeted Infusion Project (HRD 1622993)
Title: Infusion of Geospatial Informatics to Enhance an Undergraduate Biological Science Program.
Role in project: Co-PI (PI: Dr. Maruthi Sridhar Balaji Bhaskar)
Dates and costs of entire project: 09/01/16-08/31/19, $399,999.00 (Total)
Major goals: 1) promote student interest in geospatial informatics thereby addressing the global need for an increasingly diversified geospatial workforce, 2) foster critical thinking and enhance problem solving skills to better prepare students for future careers demanding geospatial skills in a range of fields, 3) equip students with cutting edge geospatial technology skills to collect field data, create and interpret geospatial maps, and 4) increase the number of underrepresented students applying for graduate programs and internships in geospatial-related STEM-fields.

3. HCOP Grant (Sub-Award from UTMB, Galveston)(HCOP/MSMP; 1DH18HP23032-01-00)
Title: TSU and UTMB Medical School Matriculation Progra
Role in project: TSU Project Director (PI: Dr. Lisa Cain)- 2011- 2015.
Major goals: Provide academic enrichment, motivation, and clinical exposure to rising undergraduate pre-medical students

4. NASA Group 4 URC – NNX10AQ16A (Old: NNX08BA47A)
Title: Center for Bio-nanotechnology and Environmental Research
Role in project: Project Principal investigator (PI/PD: Dr. Olufisayo Jejelowo)
Percent Effort: 25%
Dates and costs of entire project: 10/01/08-09/30/14, $5M (Total)
Major goals: To identify the effect of microgravity and radiation on carcinogenesis and develop countermeasures. Training and development of students in STEM area

5. DOD-CDMRP PCRP – W81XWH-09-1-0271 01 Sub Award 24712/98040255
Title: Texas Southern University (TSU) and the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) Undergraduate Collaborative Training Program in Prostate Cancer
Role in project: TSU Project Director (PI: Dr. Timothy J McDonnell, MD Anderson Cancer Center)
Percent Effort: 25%
Dates and costs of entire project: 2008-2011, $173,217 (Total)
Major goals: Provide comprehensive training in prostate cancer to aspiring young scientists from Texas Southern University

6. TSU Seed Grant
Title: Role of TNF Signaling in Proliferation, Invasion and Metastasis of Melanoma
Role in project: Principal investigator
Dates and costs of entire project: 01/09/08-08/31/08, $15,000 (Total)
Dates and costs of current year: $15,000 (Total)
Major goals: The major goals of these studies are to identify the role of TNF signaling in melanoma

7. TSU Seed Grant
Title: Targeting FOXO Transcription Factors by Natural Dietary Agents
Role in project: Principal investigator
Dates and costs of entire project: 01/14/08-08/31/08, $30,000 (Total)
Dates and costs of current year: $30,000 (Total)
Major goals: The major goals of these studies are to identify distinct roles for dietary agents on FOXO signaling.

8. TSU Graduate School Supplemental Grant
Title: Curcumin inhibits the proliferation of SPEC-2 cells, a uterine papillary serous carcinoma cell line.
Role in project: Principal Investigator
Dates and costs of entire project: 01/14/08-08/31/08, $2,000 (Total)
Dates and costs of current year: $2,000 (Total)

9. TSU Seed Grant
Title: Suppression of Cigarette Smoke-Induced Carcinogenesis by Dietary Phytochemicals
Role in project: Principal Investigator
Dates and costs of entire project: 01/26/06-08/31/06, $9,000 (Total)
Dates and costs of current year: $9,000 (Total)
Major goals: The major goals of these studies are to identify distinct and/or synergistic roles for dietary agents on cigarette smoke-induced activation of NF-κB.

10. The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Odyssey Special Fellow Award.
Title: Mechanism of cigarette smoke-induced carcinogenesis and its suppression by celecoxib and phytochemicals.
Role in project: Odyssey Special Fellow (Mentor: Bharat B. Aggarwal, Ph.D.)
Dates and costs of completed project: 01/01/05-08/31/05, $20,000
Major goals: The major objective of this project was to investigate the effects of celecoxib in combination with dietary agents on smoking-induced carcinogenesis.


  1. Aggarwal BB, Surh Y-J, Shishodia S (Editors) The Molecular Targets and Therapeutic Uses of Curcumin in Health and Disease, Springer Science, New York. 2007
  2. Aggarwal BB and Shishodia S (Editors) Resveratrol in Health and Disease. CRC Press, New York 2005

Book Chapters

  1. Aggarwal BB, Bharti AC and Shishodia S. (2009) Tumor Necrosis Factor and its Family Members. In Protein Discovery. (Eds. Wadih Arap, Ph.D., Renata Pasqualini, Ph.D., Guy Salvesen, Ph.D and Vishwa Mohan Dixit, Ph. D.) Marcel Dekker. Pp 15-54.
  2. Shishodia S, Misra K, and Aggarwal BB. (2008) Turmeric as Cure(cumin): Promises, Problems, and Solutions, In Dietary Modulation of Cell Signaling, (Eds. Young-Joon Surh, Ph. D. and Lester Packer Ph. D.) CRC Press, USA.
  3. Shishodia S, Singh T, Chaturved MM. (2007) Modulation of Transcription Factors by Curcumin, In The Molecular Targets and Therapeutic Uses of Curcumin in Health and Disease (Eds. BB Aggarwal, Y-J Surh, S Shishodia (Editors), Springer Publishing Company, New York. (Adv Exp Med Biol. 2007; 595:127-48).
  4. Shishodia S, Chaturvedi MM, and Aggarwal BB. (2007) Curcumin in Cancer Therapy, In Current Problems in Cancer (Ed. Peter AS Johnstone), Elsevier, USA.
  5. Aggarwal BB, Bhatt ID, Ichikawa H, Ahn KS, Sethi G, Sandur SK, Natarajan C, Navindra Seeram N, and Shishodia S. (2007) Curcumin: Biological and Medicinal Properties, In Turmeric (Ed. P.N. Ravindran), CRC Press, New York, USA
  6. Shishodia S, Adams L, Bhatt ID, and Aggarwal BB (2006) Anticancer Potential of the Pomegranate and Its Components. In Pomegranate (Ed: Seeram N, Schulman R), CRC Press, New York, USA
  7. Shishodia S and Aggarwal BB (2005) Resveratrol: a polyphenol for all seasons. In Resveratrol in Health and Disease. (Ed. Bharat B. Aggarwal and Shishir Shishodia), CRC Press, New York, USA.
  8. Aggarwal BB, Shishodia S, Takada Y, Jackson-Bernitsas D, Ahn KS, Sethi G, and Ichikawa H (2005) TNF-Blockade: An Inflammatory Issue (Eds. Numerof R., Asadullah K., and Dinorello CA. Proceedings of the “Cytokines as Potential Therapeutic Targets for Inflammatory Skin Diseases”
  9. Seeram NP, Ichikawa H, Shishodia S, Aggarwal BB. (2005) Preventive and therapeutic effects of plant polyphenols through suppression of Nuclear Factor-Kappa B. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Free Radicals and Health: Molecular Intervention and Protection of Lifestyle-Related Diseases (ed. By Midori Hiramatsu, Ph.D); Marcel-Dekker Publication
  10. Aggarwal BB, Kumar A, Aggarwal MS and Shishodia S. (2004) Curcumin Derived From Turmeric (Curcuma longa): A Spice for All Seasons. In Phytochemicals in Cancer Chemoprevention.(Eds. Debasis Bagchi, Ph.D., and Harry G. Preuss, M.D.) CRC Press.

ARTICLES (Peer-reviewed full-length research articles)

  1. Keita D, Shishodia S, Sridhar BBM (2021) Cytotoxicity analysis of pre- and post-hurricane Harvey soil samples collected from greater Houston bayous. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 223:112600.
  2. Ali HH, Rosenzweig JA, Shishodia S, Vrinceanu D, Sridhar BBM (2021) Assessment of soil and water characteristics and land cover changes along the Tigris River in Baghdad. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 13(1), pp. 57-63.
  3. Bado M, Azu N, Keita D, Shishodia S, Rosenzweig JA (2018) Mixed Bacterial Responses to Dust Exposure in an A549 Eukaryotic Co-culture. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Accepted AMAB-D-18-00367R1.
  4. Sridhar BBM, Rosenzweig JA, Shishodia S (2018) Investigating Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Ecologies Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology – Volume 13, March 2018.
  5. Rosenzweig JA, Balaji Bhaskar MS and Shishodia S (2018) The Impact of Using Geographic Information Systems Technology on Students’ Understanding of Epidemiology. The American Biology Teacher, Vol. 80, No 3, pages. 191–197.
  6. Bado M, Kwende S, Shishodia S, Rosenzweig JA (2017). Impact of dust exposure on mixed bacterial cultures and during eukaryotic cell co-culture infections. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2017 Sep;101(18):7027-7039.
  7. Rosenzweig JA, Vrinceanu D, Hwang H-M and Shishodia S (2016) Vertical Alignment of Educational Opportunities for STEM Learners: Evaluating the Effects of Road Dust on Biological Systems, The American Biology Teacher 78(9):710-716.
  8. Shishodia S, Azu N, Rosenzweig JA, Jackson DA (2015) Guggulsterone for chemoprevention of cancer. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2016;22(3):294-306.
  9. Suraju MO, Lalinde-Barnes S, Sanamvenkata S, Esmaeili M, Shishodia S, Rosenzweig JA (2015) The effects of indoor and outdoor dust exposure on the growth, sensitivity to oxidative stress, and biofilm production of three opportunistic bacterial pathogens. Science of the Total Environment, 10; 538: 949-958.
  10. Shishodia S (2013) Molecular mechanisms of curcumin action: Gene expression. Biofactors, 2013 Jan; 39(1):37-55.
  11. Lewis A, Jejelowo OA, Shishodia S (2011) Role of curcumin against modeled microgravity-induced inflammatory pathways, Proceedings of the 62 nd International Astronautical Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, IAC-11, A1, 7, 14, x11568.
  12. Tariq MA, Sodipe A, Ramesh G, Wu H, Zhang Y, Shishodia S, Pourmand N, Jejelowo O. (2011) The effect of acute dose charge particle radiation on expression of DNA repair genes in mice. Mol Cell Biochem. 349(1-2):213-8.
  13. Shishodia S, Harikumar KB, Dass S, Ramawat KG, Aggarwal BB (2008).The guggul for chronic diseases: ancient medicine, modern targets. Anticancer Res. 28:3647-64.
  14. Aggarwal BB, Sethi G, Baladandayuthapani V, Krishnan S, Shishodia S. (2007) Targeting cell signaling pathways for drug discovery: An old lock needs a new key. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 102(3):580-92
  15. Shishodia S, Chaturvedi MM, Aggarwal BB. (2007) Role of curcumin in cancer therapy. Current Problems in Cancer. 31(4):243-305.
  16. Shishodia S, Singh T, Chaturvedi MM. 2007. Modulation of transcription factors by curcumin. Adv Exp Med Biol. 595:127-48.
  17. Sandur SK, Ahn KS, Ichikawa H, Sethi G, Shishodia S, Newman RA, Aggarwal BB. (2007) Zyflamend, a polyherbal preparation, inhibits invasion, suppresses osteoclastogenesis, and potentiates apoptosis through down-regulation of NF-kappa B activation and NF-kappa B-regulated gene products. Nutrition and Cancer. 57(1):78-87.
  18. Shishodia S, Sethi G, Ahn KS, and Aggarwal BB. (2007) Guggulsterone Inhibits Tumor Cell Proliferation, Induces S-Phase Arrest, and Promotes Apoptosis Through Activation of c-Jun NTerminal Kinase, Suppression of Akt, and Downregulation of Antiapoptotic Gene Products in Human Leukemia Cells. Biochemical Pharmacology 2007 Jun 30;74(1):118-30. Epub 2007 Mar 30.
  19. Shirisha K, Patole J, Padhye S, Sinn E, Shishodia S, Aggarwal BB. (2007) Copper complexes of Henna-sulforaphane conjugates as potent antiproliferative agents against human myeloma KBM-5 cells through blockade of transcription factor NF-κB. Letters in Drug Design & Discovery . 4(4): 257-262.
  20. Sawhney M, Rohatgi N, Kaur J, Shishodia S, Sethi G, Gupta SD, Deo SV, Shukla, NK, Aggarwal BB, Ralhan R.(2007) Expression of NF-kappaB parallels COX-2 expression in oral precancer and cancer: Association with smokeless tobacco. International Journal of Cancer. 120(12):2545-56.
  21. Aggarwal BB, Banerjee S, Bharadwaj U, Sung B, Shishodia S, Sethi G. (2007) Curcumin induces the degradation of cyclin E expression through ubiquitin-dependent pathway and up-regulates cyclindependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27 in multiple human tumor cell lines. Biochemical Pharmacology. 73(7):1024-32.
  22. Koul D, Shen R, Shishodia S, Takada Y, Bhat KP, Reddy SA, Aggarwal BB, Yung WK. (2007) PTEN down regulates AP-1 and targets c-fos in human glioma cells Via PI3-kinase/Akt pathway.Molecular Cellular Biochemistry. 300(1-2):77-87.
  23. Bhardwaj A, Sethi G, Vadhan-Raj S, Bueso-Ramos C, Takada Y, Gaur U, Nair AS, Shishodia S, Aggarwal BB. (2007) Resveratrol inhibits proliferation, induces apoptosis, and overcomes chemoresistance through down-regulation of STAT3 and nuclear factor-kappaB-regulated antiapoptotic and cell survival gene products in human multiple myeloma cells. Blood. 109(6):2293-302.
  24. Tang X, Liu D, Shishodia S, Ozburn N, Behrens C, Lee JJ, Hong WK, Aggarwal BB, Wistuba II.(2006) Nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) is frequently expressed in lung cancer and preneoplastic lesions. Cancer. 107(11):2637-46.
  25. Nair AS, Shishodia S, Ahn KS, Kunnumakkara AB, Sethi G, Aggarwal BB.(2006) Deguelin, an Akt Inhibitor, Suppresses I{kappa}B{alpha} Kinase Activation Leading to Suppression of NF-{kappa}BRegulated Gene Expression, Potentiation of Apoptosis, and Inhibition of Cellular Invasion. Journal of Immunology. 177(8):5612-22.
  26. Sharma C, Kaur J, Shishodia S, Aggarwal BB, Ralhan R.(2006) Curcumin down regulates smokeless tobacco-induced NF-kappaB activation and COX-2 expression in human oral premalignant and cancer cells.Toxicology. 228(1):1-15.
  27. Ahn KS, Sethi G, Shishodia S, Sung B, Arbiser JL, Aggarwal BB.(2006) Honokiol potentiates apoptosis, suppresses osteoclastogenesis, and inhibits invasion through modulation of nuclear factor-kappaB activation pathway. Molecular Cancer Research. 4(9):621-33.
  28. 28. Aggarwal BB, Shishodia S, Sandur SK, Pandey MK, Sethi G.(2006) Inflammation and cancer: How hot is the link? Biochemical Pharmacology. 72(11):1605-21.
  29. Ichikawa H, Takada Y, Shishodia S, Bolleddula Jayaprakasam B, Nair MG, and Aggarwal BB (2006) Diacetylwithaferin A Potentiates Apoptosis, Inhibits Invasion, and Abolishes Osteoclastogenesis through Suppression of Nuclear Factor NF-κB Activation and NF-κB-Regulated Gene Expression. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. 5(6):1434-45.
  30. Manna SK, Rangasamy T, Wise K, Sarkar S, Shishodia S, Biswal S, Ramesh GT (2005) Long Term Cigarette Smoke Activates Nuclear Transcription Factor kappa B, Activator Protein-1, and Stress Responsive Kinases in Mouse Brain. Biochemical Pharmacology. 71(11):1602-9
  31. Aggarwal BB, Shishodia S. Molecular targets of dietary agents for prevention and therapy of cancer. Biochemical Pharmacology. 71(10):1397-421.
  32. Koul D, Shen R, Bergh S, Sheng X, Shishodia S, Lafortune TA, Lu Y, de GrootJF, Mills GB, Yung WK. (2006) Inhibition of Akt survival pathway by a small-molecule inhibitor in human glioblastoma. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. 5(3):637-44.
  33. Shishodia S, Konopleva M, Andreeff M, and Aggarwal BB. (2006)A Synthetic Triterpenoid Methyl-2cyano-3,12-dioxooleana-1,9-dien-28-oate (CDDO-Me) Inhibits IκBα Kinase And Enhances Apoptosis Induced by TNF and Chemotherapeputic Agents Through Downregulation of Expression of NF-κBRegulated Gene Products in Human Leukemic Cells. Clinical Cancer Research. 12(6):1828-1838.
  34. 34. Aggarwal BB, Ichikawa H, Garodia P, Weerasinghe P, Sethi G, Bhatt I, Pandey MK, Shishodia S, and Nair MG (2006) From Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine to Modern Medicine: Identification of Therapeutic Targets For Suppression of Inflammation and Cancer. Expert Opinions on Therapeutic Targets. 10(1):87-118.
  35. Shishodia S and Aggarwal BB (2006) Diosgenin Inhibits Osteoclastogenesis, Invasion, And Proliferation Through The Downregulation of Akt, IκB Kinase Activation And NF-κB-Regulated Gene Expression. Oncogene. 25(10):1463-73.
  36. Aggarwal S, Ichikawa H, Takada Y, Sandur SK, Shishodia S, and Aggarwal BB (2006) Curcumin (Diferuloylmethane) Downregulates Expression of Cell Proliferation, Antiapoptotic and Metastatic Gene Products Through Suppression of IκBα Kinase and AKT Activation. Molecular Pharmacology. 69(1):195-206.
  37. Shishodia S, Sethi G, and Aggarwal BB (2005) Curcumin: getting back to the roots. Proceedings of the “First International Conference on Natural Products and Molecular Targets” to be published in The Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1056:206-17.
  38. Shishodia S, Gutierrez AM, Lotan R, and Aggarwal BB. (2005) Inhibition of IκBα kinase by N-(4hydroxyphenyl) retinamide downregulates NF-κB-regulated angiogenic and antiapoptotic gene products; and enhances apoptosis. Cancer Research, 65:9555-65.
  39. Aggarwal BB, Shishodia S, Takada Y, Banerjee S, Newman R, Bueso-Ramos CE, and Price JE (2005) Curcumin Suppresses the Paclitaxel-induced NF-κB Pathway in Breast Cancer Cells and Inhibits Lung Metastasis of Human Breast Cancer in Nude Mice. Cinical Cancer Research, 11(20):7490-8.
  40. Shishodia S, Amin HM, Lai R, and Aggarwal BB. (2005) Curcumin (Diferuloylmethane) Inhibits Constitutive NF-κB Activation, Induces G1/S Arrest, Suppresses Proliferation and Induces Apoptosis in Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Biochemical Pharmacology. 70:700-713.Siwak DR, Shishodia S, Aggarwal BB, and Kurzrock R (2005) Curcumin-induced antiproliferative and proapoptotic effect in melanoma cells is associated with suppression of IKK and NF-κB activity, and is independent of the B-Raf/MEK/ERK and Akt pathways. Cancer. 104:879-890.
  41. Amit-Vazina M, Shishodia S, Harris D, Van Q, Weber D, Alexanian R, Talpaz M, Aggarwal BB and Estrov Z. (2005) Atiprimod blocks STAT3 phosphorylation and induces apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells. British Journal of Cancer. 93:70-80.
  42. Shishodia S, Takada Y, and Aggarwal BB. (2005) Therapeutic Implications of Gene Deletion of Ligands and Receptors of Members of TNF Superfamily. Medicinal Chemistry Reviews – Online. 2(2):163-175.
  43. Aggarwal BB and Shishodia S. (2004) Suppression of Nuclear Factor-κB activation pathway by spice-derived phytochemicals:reasoning for seasoning. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1030: 434-441.
  44. Aggarwal BB, Bhardwaj A, Aggarwal RS, Seeram NP, Shishodia S, and Takada Y (2004) Role of Resveratrol in Prevention and Therapy of Cancer: Preclinical and Clinical Studies. Anticancer Research. 24(5A):2783-840.
  45. Li L, Aggarwal BB, Shishodia S, Abbruzzese J, and Kurzrock R. (2004). Nuclear Factor-κB and IκB Kinase are Constitutively Active in Human Pancreatic Cells and their Down-regulation by Curcumin (diferuloyl methane) is Associated with Suppression of Proliferation and Induction of Apoptosis. Cancer. 101(10): 2351-62.
  46. Shishodia S, and Aggarwal BB. (2004) Guggulsterone Inhibits NF-κB and IκBα Kinase Activation, Suppresses Expression of Antiapoptotic Gene Products and Enhances Apoptosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279(45): 47148-47158.
  47. Shishodia S, and Aggarwal BB. (2004). Cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 Inhibitor Celecoxib Abrogates Cigarette Smoke-Induced NF-κB Activation Through Inhibition of Activation of IκBα Kinase Human Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma: Correlation with Suppression of Cyclin D1, COX-2, and Matrix Metalloproteinase-9. Cancer Research 64: 5004-5012.
  48. Shishodia S, Koul D and Aggarwal BB. (2004)) Cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 Inhibitor Celecoxib Abrogates Tumor Necrosis Factor-Induced NF-κB Activation Through Inhibition of Activation of IκBα Kinase and Akt in Human Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma:Correlation with suppression of COX2 synthesis Journal of Immunology. 173(3):2011-22.
  49. Shishodia S, and Aggarwal BB (2004) Nuclear Factor-κB: A Friend or a Foe in Cancer? Biochemical Pharmacology. 68(6), 1071-1080.
  50. Shishodia S, and Aggarwal BB. (2004) Nuclear factor-kappaB activation mediates cellular transformation, proliferation, invasion angiogenesis and metastasis of cancer. Cancer Treat. Res.119:139-73.
  51. Bharti AC, Shishodia S, Reuben JM, Weber D, Alexanian R, Raj-Vadhan S, Estrov Z, Talpaz M, and Aggarwal BB. (2004) Nuclear Factor-κB and STAT3 are Constitutively Active in CD138+ Cells Derived from Multiple Myeloma Patients and Their Suppression Leads to Apoptosis. Blood 103(8): 3175-3184.
  52. Bueso-Ramos CE, Rocha FC, Shishodia S, Kantarjian HM, Medeiros LJ, Vadhan-Raj S, Estrov Z, Smith TL, Nguyen MH, and Aggarwal BB. (2004) High Expression of Constitutively Active NuclearkB relA Transcription Factor is Present in Blasts of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Human Pathology, 35(2): 246-53
  53. Bharti AC, Takada Y, Shishodia S, and Aggarwal BB. (2004) Evidence that RANK Ligand can suppress cell proliferation and induce apoptosis through activation of a Nuclear Factor-κBindependent and TRAF6-dependent mechanism. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279, 6065-6076.
  54. Donato NJ, Wu JY, Stapley J, Lin H, Arlinghaus R, Aggarwal BB, Shishodia S, Albitar M, Hayes K, Kantarjian H, and Talpaz M. (2004) Imatinib Mesylate Resistance Through BCR-ABL Independence in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. Cancer Research, 64(2): 672-7.
  55. Ashikawa K, Shishodia S, Fokt I, Priebe W, and Aggarwal BB. (2004) Evidence That Activation of Nuclear Factor-κB Is Essential for Doxorubicin-Induced Cell Death in Myeloid and Lymphoid Cells. Biochemical Pharmacology, 67, 353-364.
  56. Aggarwal BB, Takada Y, Shishodia S, Gutierrez AM, Oommen OV, Ichikawa H, Baba Y, and Kumar A. (2004) Nuclear transcription Factor NF-κB: Role in Biology and Medicine. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 42, 341-353.
  57. Thompson MP, Aggarwal BB, Shishodia S, Estrov Z, and Kurzrock R. (2003) Autocrine lymphotoxin production in Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)-immortalized B-cells: induction via NF-κB activation mediated by EBV-derived Latent Membrane Protein 1. Leukemia, 17:2196-2201.
  58. Shishodia S, Majumdar S and Aggarwal BB. (2003) Ursolic Acid Inhibits Nuclear Factor-κB Activation Induced by Carcinogenic Agents Through Suppression of IκBα Kinase and p65 Phosphorylation: Correlation with Downregulation of COX2, MMP-9 and CyclinD1. Cancer Research 63, 4375-4383.
  59. Shishodia S, Potdar P, Gairola GC and Aggarwal BB (2003) Curcumin downregulates cigarette smoke condensate-induced NF-kappa B activation through inhibition of IκBα kinase in human lung cancer cells: correlation with suppression of COX2 and MMP-9. Carcinogenesis 24(7), 1269-1279.
  60. Estrov Z, Shishodia S, Faderl S, Harris D, Van Q, Kantarjian HM, Talpaz M. and Aggarwal BB (2003) Resveratrol blocks interleukin-1β-induced activation of the nuclear transcription factor NF-κB, inhibits proliferation, causes S-phase arrest, and induces apoptosis of acute myeloid leukemia cells. Blood, 102(3), 987-995.
  61. Ashikawa K, Majumdar S, Banerjee S, Bharti AC, Shishodia S and Aggarwal BB. (2002). Trans3,4,3’,5’-tetrahydroxystilbene (piceatannol) inhibits TNF-induced nuclear Factor-κB activation through suppression of IκBαkinase and p65 phosphorylation. Journal of Immunology.169 (11) 64906497.
  62. Anto RJ, Mukhopadhyay A, Shishodia S, Gairola CG, and Aggarwal BB. (2002) Cigarette smoke condensate activates nuclear transcription factor-kappa B through phosphorylation and degradation of IkappaB(alpha): correlation with induction of cyclooxygenase-2. Carcinogenesis.23(9):1511-1518.
  63. Mukhopadhyay A, Shishodia S, Suttles J, Brittingham K, Lamothe B, Nimmanapalli R, Bhalla KN, Aggarwal BB. (2002) Ectopic expression of protein-tyrosine kinase Bcr-Abl suppresses tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced NF-kappa B activation and IkappaBalpha phosphorylation. Relationship with down-regulation of TNF receptors. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 277(34):30622-30628.
  64. Mukhopadhyay A, Shishodia S, Fu XY, Aggarwal BB. (2002) Lack of requirement of STAT1 for activation of nuclear factor-kappaB, c-Jun NH2-terminal protein kinase, and apoptosis by tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 84(4): 803-815.
  65. Aggarwal BB, Shishodia S, Ashikawa K, and Bharti AC. (2002). The Role of TNF and its family members in inflammation and cancer: lessons from gene deletion. Current Drug Targets: Inflammation and Allergy, 1:327-341.
  66. Shishodia S, and Aggarwal BB. (2002) Nuclear factor-kappa B activation: A question of life and death. Journal of Biochemistry Molecular Biology. 35: 28-40.
  67. Shrivastava A, Shishodia S, and Sodhi A. (1998) Expression of LFA-1 adhesion molecules on cisplatin treated macrophages. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1402(3): 269-276.
  68. Shishodia S, Shrivastava A, and Sodhi A. (1998) Involvement of Ras and MAP kinase (ERK-1) in cisplatin-induced activation of bone marrow derived macrophages. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International. 45(3): 527-534.
  69. Shishodia S, Shrivastava A, and Sodhi A. (1998) Protein Kinase C: a potential pathway of macrophage activation with cisplatin. Immunology Letters. 61:179-186.
  70. Shishodia S, Sodhi A, and Shrivastava A. (1998) Cisplatin stimulated murine bone marrow derived macrophages require Ca ions. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition. 24:1-12.
  71. Shishodia S, Shrivastava A, and Sodhi A. (1997) Cisplatin stimulated murine bone marrow-derived macrophages require protein tyrosine phosphorylation. International Journal of Immunopharmacology. 19: 683-690
  72. Sodhi A, Shishodia S, and Shrivastava A. (1997) Cisplatin – stimulated murine bone marrow-derived macrophages secrete oncostatin M. Immunology and Cell Biology. 75: 492-496.
  73. Shrivastava A, Shishodia S, and Sodhi A. (1997) Activation of murine peritoneal macrophages and macrophage cell lines P388D-1 and IC-21 with cisplatin. International Journal of Immunopathology and Immunopharmacology. 10: 13-21.

Abstracts in Conference Proceedings

1. Ayat Ali and Shishir Shishodia. Characterization of House Dust Impact on Human Lung Cells. 2020 Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM, Washington, DC, February 6-8, 2020.

2. Dayana Abdullah Smoot and Shishir Shishodia. Seasonal Cytotoxic Effects of Urban Watersheds.2020 Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM, Washington, DC, February 6-8, 2020.

3. Djene Keita and Shishir Shishodia. Exposure to Triclosan Activated MAPK Signal Transduction Pathway in Human Lung and Colon Cells. 2020 Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM, Washington, DC, February 6-8, 2020.

4. Dayana Abdullah Smoot and Shishir Shishodia. Cytotoxic Effect of Harris County Watersheds on HT29 Colon Cells. 2019 Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM, Washington, DC, February 21-23, 2019.

5. Sarah Sejoro and Shishir Shishodia. Effect of Environmental Metal Concentrations on Tolerance and Survival of Human Gut Cells. 2019 Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM, Washington, DC, February 21-23, 2019.

6. Djene Keita and Shishir Shishodia. Cytotoxicity Analysis of Pre- and Post-Hurricane Harvey Soil Samples collected from Greater Houston Bayous. 2019 Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM, Washington, DC, February 21-23, 2019.

7. Dayana Abdullah Smoot, Nkem Azu, and Shishir Shishodia. Assessment of DNA Damage response gene expression in normal lung cells post exposure to Road Dust. 2018 Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM, Washington, DC, February 22-24, 2018.

8. Djene Keita and Shishir Shishodia. The Effect of Triclosan on Signaling Pathways Involved in Inflammation, 2017 AAAS Emerging Researchers Network Conference, Washington, DC, March 0204, 2017.

9. Nkem Azu, Djene Keita, Shishir Shishodia, Identification of hypoxic genes induced in non-cancer lung cells after exposure to Platinum Group Metal Salts, 2017 AAAS Emerging Researchers Network Conference, Washington, DC, March 02-04, 2017.

10. Djene Keita, Nkem Azu, Shishir Shishodia. House Dust and Triclosan Activated MAP Kinase Pathways in Lung Epithelial Cells, 2016 Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM, Washington, DC, February 25-27, 2016.

11. Nkem Azu, Selina Hernandez, Amrutha Immadi, Sachindra Sanamvenkata, Shishir Shishodia, Road Dust Containing Platinum Group Elements Activated, MAPK-JNK Pathway in Lung Epithelial Cells in vitro, 2015 AAAS Emerging Researchers Network Conference, Washington, DC, February 19-21, 2015. (Nkem was place second for graduate students oral presentation)

12. Nkem Azu and Shishir Shishodia, Road Dust Activated ERK in Lung Epithelial Cells in vitro, 118th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, University of Incarnate Word at San Antonio, Texas, March 6-8, 2015

13. Toluwani Adebayo and Shishir Shishodia, Effect of Platinum Group Elements from Road Dust on P38 Protein Expression, 2014 Texas Southern University Summer Research Program Closing Ceremonies, Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas, August 1st, 2014.

14. Anita Ofori, Jelili Adebisi, and Shishir Shishodia, Platinum Group Metals found in Road Dust activate p42/44 MAP Kinase Pathway, 2014 Texas Southern University Summer Research Program Closing Ceremonies, Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas, August 1st, 2014.

15. Selina Hernandez and Shishir Shishodia, Road dust activated Nuclear Factor kappa B in Lung Epithelial Cells, 2014 Texas Southern University Summer Research Program Closing Ceremonies, Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas, August 1st, 2014.

16. Amrutha Immadi and Shishir Shishodia, JNK Expression in Lung Epithelial Cells after Exposure to Platinum Group Elements found in Road Dust, 2014 Texas Southern University Summer Research Program Closing Ceremonies, Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas, August 1st, 2014.

17. Nkem Azu, Noella Ibekwe, Shishir Shishodia, Simulated Microgravity Induces Epigenetic Changes by Depleting DNMT1 in Murine Monocytes, 65th International Astronautical Congress, Toronto, Canada, September 29-October 3, 2014.

18. Nkem Azu, Noella Ibekwe, Shishir Shishodia. Simulated Microgravity Induces Epigenetic Changes by Depleting DNMT1 in Mouse Monocytes. TSU Research Week, Texas Southern University, Houston, TX, March 31-April 4, 2014.

19. Nkem Azu, Noella Ibekwe, Shishir Shishodia. Simulated Microgravity Induces Epigenetic Changes. 117th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Galveston, Texas, March 7, 2014.

20. Noella Ibekwe, Melissa Greene, Nkem Azu, Shishir Shishodia. Simulated Microgravity Induces Epigenetic Changes, UNT Research Symposium, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, November 2, 2013.

21. Linda Noukeu, Noella Ibekwe, Shishir Shishodia. Simulated Microgravity Induced Apoptosis In Human T- Lymphocytes. TSU Research Week, Texas Southern University, Houston, TX, April, 2013.

22. Linda Noukeu, Noella Ibekwe, Shishir Shishodia. Simulated Microgravity Induced Apoptosis In Human T- Lymphocytes. North Texas Research Symposium, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, November 3, 2012.

23. Anita Lewis, Sarah Munyu, Olufisayo A. Jejelowo, Ayodotun Sodipe, and Shishir Shishodia. Activation of Pro-inflammatory Transcription Factor by Modeled Microgravity and High-Energy Particle Radiation, 114th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, St. Edwards University, Austin, Texas, March 3-5, 2011.

24. Sarah Munyu, Anita Lewis, Emmanuel Obi, Tuan Phan, Olufisayo A. Jejelowo, and Shishir Shishodia. Structure, mechanism, and anticancer potential of the isothiocyanate diruthenium complex (3,1) Ru2(F3ap)4(NCS) 1, 114th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, St. Edwards University, Austin, Texas, March 3-5, 2011.

25. Jejelowo AO, Sodipe AO, Wu H, Zhang Y, Jejelowo OA, Shishodia S. High Energy Particle Radiation Activates Inflammatory Pathways, 18 th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, Houston, TX, April 11-15, 2011.

26. Anita Lewis, Philys Johnson, Olufisayo A Jejelowo, Ayodotun Sodipe, and Shishir Shishodia. “The Prospective Function of Curcumin Against the Negative Effects of Microgravity” Astrobiology Science Conference, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2010.

27. Georgette Rolle, Sarah Munyu, Olufisayo A Jejelowo, Ayodotun Sodipe, and Shishir Shishodia.High Energy Radiation Induced Activation of COX-2 and MMP-9 is Mediated by NF-kappaB” Astrobiology Science Conference, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2010.

28. Muhammad Akram Tariq, Shishir Shishodia, Govindarajan Ramesh, Ayodotun Sodipe, Olufisayo Jejelowo, Nader Pourmand (2010). DNA Repair Genes Expression Analysis of Acute Dose charge Particle Radiation, Astrobiology Science Conference, Houston, Texas, April 26, 2010.

29. Anita Lewis, Philys Johnson, Olufisayo A Jejelowo, Ayodotun Sodipe, and Shishir Shishodia “Natural Products Against The Negative Effects Of Microgravity” 113th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas, March 4-6, 2010.

30. Rolle, Georgette, Jejelowo, Olufisayo A, Sodipe, Ayodotun and Shishodia, Shishir. “High Energy Radiation and Microgravity- Induced Epigenetic Changes : Reversal and Suppression By Natural Agents”. 112th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Texas Tech University, Junction, Texas, March 5-7, 2009.

31. Johnson, Philys, Jejelowo, Olufisayo A., Sodipe, Ayodotun and Shishodia, Shishir. “Potential role of natural products against High Energy Radiation”. 112th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Texas Tech University, Junction, Texas, March 5-7, 2009.

32. Olufisayo Jejelowo, Osiyemi T, Shishodia S. Identification Of Novel Phytochemical For Suppression Of Breast Cancer. Association of Minority Health Professions Schools, New Orleans, Louisiana. March 19-22, 2008 (presenter number 42)

33. Tang X, Soch E, Shishodia S, Ozburn N, Liu D, Lee JJ, Hong WK, Aggarwal BB, Wistuba II.Immunohistochemical Analysis Indicates that Nuclear Factor-κB (NF-κB) is Frequently Activated in Lung Cancer. American Association of Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California. April 16-20, 2005.

34. Siwak DR, Shishodia S, Aggarwal BB, and Kurzrock, R. Curcumin-Induced Antiproliferative and Proapoptotic Effect in Melanoma Cells is Associated with Suppression of IKK and NF-κB Activity, and is Independent of the B-Raf/MEK/ERK and Akt Pathways. American Association of Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California. April 16-20, 2005.

35. Shishodia S, Ichikawa H, Takada Y, Ahn KS, Wu TT, Izzo JJ, Ajani JA, and Aggarwal BB. Targeting Transcription Factor NF-κB for Treatment of Esophageal Cancer. American Association of Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California. April 16-20, 2005.

36. Shishodia S, Potdar PD, and Aggarwal BB. Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) downregulates cigarette smoke condensate-induced NF-κB activation through inhibition of IκBα kinase in human bronchial epithelial cells.Trainee Recognition Day, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas. May 2003.

37. Aggarwal BB, Bharti AC, Banerjee S, Aggarwal S, Ashikawa K, Shishodia S. Nuclear Factor- kappa B as a therapeutic target for chemoprevention and chemosensitization. 22 nd Annual Convention of the IACR and International Symposium on Recent Advances in Cancer Causes and Control, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. January 10-12th , 2002

38. Shrivastava, A, Shishodia, S. and Sodhi, A. Activation of peritoneal macrophages with fMLP: Role of PKC and PTK. XXII Annual conference of Indian Immunology Society. Dec. 15-17, 1995 at JNU, New Delhi, pp113.

39. Singh, RAK., Sodhi, A., Shishodia, S. and Shrivastava, A. Tyrosine phosphatase are downstream to Serine/Threonine phosphatases in the signal transduction pathways of murine peritoneal macrophages. Indo-French Symposium on Immunomodulation. Dec. 10-13, 1995 at National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, pp37.

Invited Lectures

12/22/2021: Impact of Platinum Group Metals Exposure on Human Health, International Conference On Emerging Bioscience Research For Rural And Urban Development (ICEBRUD-2021), Patna University, Patna, India, December 21-22, 2022.

06/17/2014: Critical Issues in STEM Education: A Cache in the Brain or How to Study STEM, TSU Annual Conference on International Trends in Evidence Based Research on Teaching, Learning, and STEM Education, Marriott Westchase Hotel, 2900 Briarpark Drive, Houston, Texas, June 16-19, 2014.

04/07/2014: Therapeutic Plants, TSU Research Week, Awards Function Lecture, Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas.

01/22/2014: Medicinal Plants, Environmental and Interdisciplinary Sciences Seminar Series, Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas.

02/27/2012: Natural Products Against Prevention and Therapy of Cancer, CBER Seminar Series, Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas.

04/13/2011: High Energy Particle Radiation Activates Inflammatory Pathways, 18 th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, Houston, Texas.

08/17/2010: Round Table on the Professoriate: Strategies for Success in the Academy, 2010 Fall Opening Faculty Meetings, Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas.

03/05/2010: Mechanism Of High Energy Radiation Induced Inflammation, 113th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas, March 4-6, 2010.

03/06/2009: Natural products countermeasures against the adverse effects of radiation and microgravity. 112th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Texas Tech University, Junction, Texas, March 5-7, 2009.

08/10/2007: FGF9 in Prostate Cancer Bone Metastases, Texas Southern University and University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Undergraduate Collaborative Training Program in Prostate Cancer Research, UTGSBS, Houston, Texas 77030.

11/13/2006: Curcuminoids, Sabinsa on Wheels Trade Show, Frankfurt, Germany.

09/19/2006: Curcuminoids in Health and Disease, Sabinsa on Wheels Trade Show, Sydney, Australia. 11/10/2005: Curcumin: The Indian Solid Gold, Supply Side West Show, (Sabinsa Corporation), The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV.

06/17/2005: Mechanism of cigarette smoke-induced carcinogenesis and its suppression, Odyssey Mini Symposium, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030. 11/14/2004: Curcumin derived from turmeric (Curcuma longa): a spice for all seasons. Third International Conference on Mechanisms of Action of Nutraceuticals, November 12-14, 2004, Haywood County, North Carolina.

01/16/2004: Targeting Transcriptional Factors by Plant Polyphenols: Role in Prevention and Therapy of Cancer, Institutional Grand Rounds, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030.

11/25/2003: Identification of Novel Triterpenoids as Suppressor of Transcription Factor: Potential Role in Chemoprevention. Bioimmunotherapy Lecture Series, Department of Bioimmunotherapy, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030.

03/25/2003: NF-κB as a Target for Cigarette Smoke-Induced Carcinogenesis of the Lung and Head and Neck Cancers, Bioimmunotherapy Lecture Series, Department of Bioimmunotherapy, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030.


Guggulsterone: an inhibitor of nuclear factor – kappaB and IkappaBalpha kinase activation and uses thereof. (01/26/06; #20060019907) The present invention provides an inhibitor of NF-κB, guggulsterone and its analogs. Guggulsterone suppresses NF-κB activation induced by TNF, phorbol ester, okadaic acid, cigarette smoke, H2O2 and IL-1β, as well as constitutive NF-κB activation expressed in most tumor cells. One mechanism by which guggulsterone inhibits activation of NF-κB is through suppression of IκBα phosphorylation and IκBα degradation. NF-κB-dependent gene transcription is modulated by guggulsterone and its analogs. In particular, induction by TNF, TNFR1, TRADD, TRAF2, NIK and IKK, is modulated by guggulsterone and its analogs. In addition, guggulsterone decreased the expression of genes involved in anti-apoptosis (IAP1, XIAP, Bfl-1/A1, bcl-2, cFLIP, survivin), proliferation (cyclin D1, c-myc) and metastasis (MMP-9, COX2 and VEGF).

Reviewing of papers submitted for publication to professional journals

Cancer Gene Therapy, Chemical Biology and Drug Design, Carcinogenesis, Cancer Letters, Arthritis Research and Therapy, FEBS Letters, Cancer, European Journal of Cancer, Acta Biomaterialia, PLoS ONE, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, International Wound Journal, Biochemical Pharmacology

Reviewing of grants proposals

National Science Foundation NASA EPSCoR NASA MUREP NASA EONS Israel Science Foundation Fanconi Anemia Foundation Raine Medical Research Foundation, Australia


BIOL 241: Cell Biology BIOL 401: Undergraduate Research BIOL 441: Histology Lecture and Lab BIOL 648: Experimental Biology Lecture and Lab BIOL 725: Biochemical Ecology BIOL 861: Research Problems ES 724: Environmental Science Thesis ES 925: Environmental Science Dissertation

Ph.D. Supervisor

1. Ayat Ali (Supervisor: Dr. Shishir Shishodia) Characterization of indoor dust-derived trace elements and organic contaminants impact on human lung cells. Ph.D. Dissertation, 05/05/2021.

2. Dayana Abdullah-Smoot (Supervisor: Dr. Shishir Shishodia) Seasonal cytotoxic effects of urban watersheds in the greater Houston area. Ph.D. Dissertation, 10/13/2020.

3. Djene Keita (Supervisor: Dr. Shishir Shishodia) The effect of triclosan on signaling pathways involved in inflammation. Ph.D. Dissertation, 03/24/2020.

4. Nkem Azu (Supervisor: Dr. Shishir Shishodia) The Mechanistic Impact of Platinum Group Metal Exposure On Lung Epithelia Cells. Ph.D. Dissertation, 03/23/2017.

Ph.D. Advisory Committee Member

1. Felica Davis (Supervisor: Dr. Jason Rosenzweig) Assessment of soil, water contamination and land cover changes in urban and sub-urban watersheds of Houston. Ph.D. Dissertation, 03/29/22.

2. Hanan Ali (Supervisor: Dr. Jason Rosenzweig) Microbial assessment of water samples in Houston, Texas. Ph.D. Dissertation, 04/27/2021.

3. Adedamola Olatoregun (Supervisor: Dr. Ayodotun Sodipe) Investigating the detoxification of cadmium by the tardigrade Hypsibuis exemplaris. Ph.D. Dissertation, 06/17/2021

4. Shaunte Heulett-Abdin (Supervisor: Dr. Hector Miranda) Metagenomic sequencing to explore phylogenetic and functional diversity of fungal communities in the aftermath of hurricane Harvey residential flooding. Ph.D. Dissertation, 07/24/19.

5. Mariam Bado (Supervisor: Dr. Jason Rosenzweig) Evaluation of Bacterial Responses to Dust in A Eukaryotic Co-Culture Systems. Ph.D. Dissertation, 10/03/2017

6. Abidat Lawal (Supervisor: Dr. Jason A. Rosenzweig) The Impact Of Low-Shear Modelled Microgravity On Proliferation And Virulence Potential Of Yersinia Pestis, Ph.D. Dissertation, 10/16/2012.

7. Sharika S. Lewis (Supervisor: Dr. Barbara Hayes) The Effects Of PPAR alpha ligands on inflammatory pathways in cellular models of endometrial and prostate cancer, Ph.D. Dissertation, 10/08/2012.

8. Yasmeen Rizwi (Supervisor: Dr. Adebayo Oyekan) Interaction of PPARα and adenosine receptors in hypoxia-induced angiogenesis, Ph.D. Dissertation, 10/24/2011.

9. Gloria Wade (Supervisor: Dr. James W DuMond), Increased Mutation Rates As a model For Sporadic Fluxes in Evolution, Ph.D. Dissertation, 02/22/2008.

M.S. Supervisor

1. Noura Abdulrahman (Supervisor: Dr. Shishir Shishodia) The Toxicity of Indoor Dust Derived Trace Elements and Organic Contaminants on Normal Colon Epithelium Cells. MS Research Thesis, 10/26/2021.

2. Sarah Sejoro (Supervisor: Dr. Shishir Shishodia) Investigating the Effects of Environmental Heavy Metals on the Tolerance and Survival of Human Gut Cells. MS Research Thesis, 04/15/2020.

3. Brittany Hudson (Supervisor: Dr. Shishir Shishodia) DNA Methyltransferase Expression in Lung Epithelial Cells Exposed to Road Dust. M.S. Research Thesis, May 2016.

4. Kimberly Gilkes (Supervisor: Dr. Shishir Shishodia), Apoptotic Effects Of A Novel Diruthenium Compound. MS Research Thesis, 04/12/2014

5. Nkem Azu (Supervisor: Dr. Shishir Shishodia) Simulated Microgravity Induces Epigenetic Changes. MS Research Thesis, 03/03/2014

6. Melissa Greene (Supervisor: Dr. Shishir Shishodia) Curcumin Suppresses Simulated MicrogravityInduced Epigenetic Changes, MS Research Thesis, 06/25/2013.

7. Linda Noukeu (Supervisor: Dr. Shishir Shishodia) Simulated Microgravity Induces Apoptosis In Human T-Lymphocytes. 04/23/2013.

8. Anita Lewis (Supervisor: Shishir Shishodia) Modulation of Transcription Factors in Space Related Stress. M.S. Research Thesis, 03/23/2011.

9. Ayodeji Jejelowo (Supervisor: Shishir Shishodia) The Effects of High Energy Particles on Protein Expression in Mice Intestinal Tissue, M.S. Research Thesis, 12/17/2010

10. Philys Johnson (Supervisor: Dr. Shishir Shishodia), Countermeasures against the negative effects of microgravity. M.S. Research Thesis, 04/06/2010.

11. Georgette Rolle (Supervisor: Dr. Shishir Shishodia), High Energy Radiation Activates Nuclear FactorKappa B In Mice. M.S. Research Thesis, 11/24/2009.

M.S. Advisory Committee Member

1. Olujimi Olowokere (Supervisor: Dr. Ayodotun Sodipe) An overview of the exreacellular polysaccharide of probiotic lactic acid bacteria. M.S. Research Thesis, 06/27/2022.

2. Eresa Washington (Supervisor: Dr. Hyun-Min Hwang) Environmental and health impact of excess air pollutants released from industrial facilities. MS Non-Thesis Capstone Paper, 3/30/2022.

3. Ali Aleisawi (Supervisor: Dr. Hyun-Min Hwang) Effects of environmental arsenic exposure on the human body. MS Non-Thesis Capstone Paper, 11/30/2021.

4. Zeest Hanif (Supervisor: Dr. Jason Rosenzweig) Analysis of bacterial loads in Houston indoor air. MS Research Thesis, 06/23/2021.

5. Sadith Mosquera (Supervisor: Dr. Jason Rosenzweig) Identification. Isolation, and characterization of bacteria isolates from Houston, Texas wathershed. M.S. Research Thesis, 03/18/2021.

6. Jianbang Du (Supervisor: Dr. Fengxiang Qiao) Temporal Characteristics of Particulate Matter 2.5 Concentration and Their Correlations With Weather Condition And Traffic Volume, MS Research Thesis, June 28, 2018

7. Kimyattia L. Smith (Supervisor: Dr. Jason Rosenzweig) Evaluation of Local Environmental Isolates and their Response to Dust. MS Research Thesis, May 1, 2017.

8. Shari Galvin (Supervisor: Ayodotun Sodipe) Radiation Tolerance in the Tardigrade Milnesium tardigradum, MS Research Thesis 03/27/2015

9. Sandeel Ahmad (Supervisor: Dr. Jason Rosenzweig) The Role of Ribonucleases in Various Yersiniae Shear Response, MS Research Thesis, 03/26/2015

10. Mohammed Suraju (Supervisor: Dr. Jason Rosenzweig) Evaluation Of The Impact Of Dust Containing Platinum Group Elements On Bacterial Growth, Oxidative Stress Sensitivity And Biofilm Formation. MS Research Thesis 03/27/2015

11. Jing Fang (Supervisor: Dr. Yuanjian Deng) Syntheses And Characterization Of Advanced NanoComposites And Platinum Complexes, MS Research Thesis, 09/26/2013.

12. Amanda Henry (Supervisor: Dr. Jason A. Rosenzweig) Characterization of Yersinia Pseudotuberculosis Abiotic Stress Responses. MS Research Thesis, 05/05/2013

13. Jyothi Mallepally (Supervisor: Dr. Yuanjian Deng) Synthetic and Chemical Studies on Platinum(II) Complexes with 4-Aminomethyl Benzene Sulphonamide, 03/29/2012.

14. Tashaineyea Merrell (Supervisor: Dr. Olufisayo Jejelowo) Comparison Of Aspergillus Nidulans Following Exposure To Microgravity, 12/06/2011.

15. Nellen Nwaobasi (Supervisor: Dr. Olufisayo Jejelowo) The Effect of Simultaneous Exposure of both Microgravity and Radiation to the Candida albicans Fungi: Cytoskeleton and Membrane Proteins,12/03/2011.

16. Anu Mathew (Supervisor: Dr. Olufisayo Jejelowo) Effects of radiation on Candida albicans, 12/03/2011.

17. Sharlene Law (Supervisor: Dr. Olufisayo Jejelowo) Comparative Study of Aspergillus nidulans Growth Under Normal Gravity and Simulated Gravity Using High Aspect to Ratio Vessel and Slow Turning Lateral Vessel, 12/1/2011

18. Nene Abogunde (Supervisor: Dr. Jason Rosenzweig), Evaluation of Escherichia coli and Bacillus Subtilis after Space Flight On Board Atlantis STS-129, 11/17/2011.

19. Tiarra Spencer (Supervisor: Dr. Hector Miranda) Molecular Phylogeny Of Aspergillus Species Based On The Internal Transcribed Spacer Region, 03/25/2011.

20. Stephen Hayes (Supervisor: Dr. Hector Miranda), Phylogenetics of Asian Hornbill Based on Mitochondrial Cytochrome b DNA Sequences, 08/01/2010.

21. Leighann Pollard (Supervisor: Dr. Hector Miranda), Molecular Phylogeny of Asian Passerine Birds (Order Passeriformes) using Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase (CO1) DNA sequences, 11/13/2009.

22. Lyndon Lyons (Supervisor: Dr. Olufisayo Jejelowo), Molecular Targets of Dietary Agents in Prostate Cancer, 04/30/08.

Ph.D. Dissertation External Examiner

1. Shaha Chaitali Manojkumar (Supervisor: Dr. Pandit Radhakrishna Sitaram, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India) Putative effects of xenobiotics on esterases of bacterial flora from Chironomus circumdatus. Ph.D. Dissertation, 02/15/2022

2. Rama Mandar Phadke (Supervisor: Dr. Kalpana Pai, University of Pune, India) Evaluation of cytotoxic potential of curcin protein from Jatropha curcas L. Ph.D. Dissertation, 05/18/2020.


1. Donyeil Hoy (2014), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

2. Jay Saynonh (2014), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

3. Tan Nguyen (2014), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University J

4. Jeleli Adebisi (2014), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

5. Kelvin Obimah (2014), Undergraduate, University of Texas, Austin

6. Anita Ofori (2014), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

7. Toluwani Adebayo (2015), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

8. Ashley Burhama (2015), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

9. Kristina Curry (2015), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

10. John Eunson (2015), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

11. Jacklyn Huynh (2015), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

12. Rachel Obimah (2015), Undergraduate, University of Texas, Austin

13. John Eunson (2016), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

14. Andre Obimah (2016), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

15. Adriana Rodriguez (2018), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

16. Esther Sey (2018), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

17. Oruare Ovbiagele (2019), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

18. Lenty Tran (2019), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

19. Aubry Ford (2020), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

20. Germyah Heart (2020), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

21. Simisola Ogundare (2020), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

22. Alexander Cruz San Miguel (2020), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

23. Torye Smith (2020), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

24. Sterling Wilson (2020), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University

25. Ebony Wiltz (2020), Undergraduate, Texas Southern University


1. Selina Hernandez (2014), Michael Debakey High School, Houston, TX

2. Amrutha Immadi (2014), Michael Debakey High School, Houston, TX

3. Sloan Lalinde-Barnes (2014), Michael Debakey High School, Houston, TX

4. Laura Lay (2014), Michael Debakey High School, Houston, TX

5. Sachindra Sanamvenkata (2014), Michael Debakey High School, Houston, TX

6. Chintal Patel (2015), Dulles High School, Sugarland, TX

7. Meagan Perkins (2015), Michael Debakey High School, Houston, TX

8. Jessica Rollinson (2015), Bellaire High School, Bellaire, TX

9. Anna Subonj (2015), Michael Debakey High School, Houston, TX

10. Tiffani Weir (2015), Elkins High School, Misourie City, TX

11. Angelina Ossimetha (2016), Bellaire High School, Bellaire, TX

12. Brandon Shepherd (2016), Glenda Dawson High School, Houston, TX

13. Aminata Sylla (2016), Elkins High School, Misourie City, TX

14. Isaiah Ware (2016), Michael Debakey High School, Houston, TX

15. Sri Devulapali (2019), Seven Lakes High School, Katy, TX

16. Jack Lee (2019), Carnegie Vanguard High School, Houston, TX

17. Amanda Deepipat (2020), High Tower High School, Houston, TX

18. Abhinav Krothapalli (2020), Michael Debakey High School, Houston, TX

19. Ashrita Sanghi (2020), William P. Clements High School, Sugar Land TX

20. Abhinav Vadaserry (2020), William P. Clements High School, Sugar Land TX


1. Departmental Committees Research and Graduate Studies Curriculum Development EIS Assessment Committee

2. College committees and Special Assignments Research Committee (Ex-Officio) Newsletter and Annual Report Committee COSET Strategic Plan Assessment Committee (Ex-Officio)

3. University Committees/Thesis/dissertation Animal Care and Use Committee Faculty Workload Committee University Catalog Committee

4. Joint Admissions Medical Program: TSU Faculty Director

5. NSF RISE Summer Undergraduate Research Program for rising high school seniors and undergraduate students.

Hwang, Hyun-Min

Education and Training

    • Ph.D. Environmental Chemistry/Oceanography (19962001), Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (Dissertation: Lysosomal responses to environmental contaminants in bivalves)
  • M.S. Environmental Chemistry/Earth and Marine Sciences (19931995),Hanyang University, Korea (Thesis: Distribution and environmental fate of organotins in mussels, oysters, and sediments from Chinhae Bay, Korea)
  • B.S. Earth and Marine Sciences (19871993), Hanyang University, Korea (Graduation Research Project: Nutrients in river water before and after precipitation)

Research Interests

Recent Publications (out of a total of xxx)

  1. Hwang H-M, BL Buchholz, TM Young, JA Pederson. (2013) Assessment of the contribution of modern carbon sources to size-resolved atmospheric particulate matter and time-resolved bulk PM10 using measurement of radiocarbons and molecular markers. Science of the Total Environment (Submitted).
  2. Hwang H-M, B Stanton, T McBride, MJ Anderson. (2013) PAH body residues and lysosomal membrane destabilization in mussels impacted by Dubai Star bunker fuel spill in San Francisco Bay. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (Submitted).
  3. Hwang H-M, RS Carr, GN Cherr, PG Green, ED Grosholtz, L Judah, SG Morgan, S Ogle, VK Rashbrook, WL Rose, SJ Teh, C Vine, SL Anderson. (2013) Sediment quality assessment in tidal salt marshes in northern California: an evaluation of multiple lines of evidence approach. Science of the Total Environment 454-455:189-198.
  4. Buchholz BA, P Zermeno, H-M Hwang, TM Young. (2010) Measuring radiocarbon in submicron size fractionated particulate matter on aluminum impact disks. Radiocarbon 52:278- 285.
  5. Kayhanian M, A Vichare, PG Green, C Alaimo, H-M Hwang, J Signore, M Troxler, D Jones, J Harvey. (2010) Water quality evaluation of leachate produced from pavement speciemens under controlled laboratory conditions. Road Materials and Pavement Design 11:9-28.


  1. S Bhandari, J Seo, H-M Hwang, D Bennett, I Hertz-Picciotto (2012) High molecular weight PAHs (MW 252 to 302) in indoor dust. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33rd Annual Meeting.
  2. H-M Hwang, B Stanton, T McBride, MJ Anderson (2011) PAH body residues and lysosomal membrane destabilization in mussels impacted by T/V Dubai Star oil spill. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32nd Annual Meeting.
  3. H-M Hwang, HS-Kim, PG Green, TY Young (2011) Trace metals in biosolids and biosolid amended soils in dairy farm land. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32nd Annual Meeting.
  4. H-M Hwang, HS Kim. (2011) Solid-Solid and Solid-Air-Solid partitioning of phthalates in the indoor environment. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32nd Annual Meeting.
  5. H-M Hwang, S-G Lee (2011) Environmental fate of glyphosate in broom-infested Mt. Tamalpais soil. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32nd Annual Meeting.


Evaluation of alternative abrasives and road sweeping/vacuuming as source control BMPs for load reduction of fine sediment particles and particle associated phosphorus in urban roadway stormwater (PI, $277,060 from US Department of Agriculture Forest Service; 2011 2013)

Assessment of the impacts of biosolid application on groundwater and soil quality and bioaccumulation of constituents of concern in pasture grass (Co-PI, $85,000 from Solano County, CA; 2010 2011)

Endocrine disrupting chemicals in indoor dust (Subcontract, $310,000 from NIH; 20092011)

Environmental decay of glyphosate in broom-infested Mt. Tamalpais soils and its transport through stormwater runoff and soil column infiltration (PI, $49,997 from Marin Municipal Water District, CA; 2009 2010)

Source identification of fine sediments, N, and P in highway stormwater runoff in the Lake Tahoe Basin (Co-PI, $553,000 California Department of Transportation; 20082011)

Organic contaminants in steelhead from the Columbia River (Subcontract, $55,000 from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; 20082009)

Assessment of the contribution of contemporary carbon sources to size-resolved and timeresolved atmospheric particulate matter in Sacramento, California (PI, $100,000 from California Air Resources Board; 20072008)

Removal of dissolved trace metals in stormwater runoff using low-cost adsorbents (Co-PI, $120,000 from California Department of Transportation; 2005 2006)

Source identification for particulate matter and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in stormwater runoff using radiocarbon (Subcontract, $50,000 from California Department of Transportation; 2005 2007)

Identification of wastewater input to Clear Lake, California, by measuring caffeine (Subcontract, $5,000 Clear Lake County; 20052006)

Organic contaminants in tidal salt marsh in California and sediment quality assessment using multiple lines of evidence (Subcontract, $55,000 from Pacific Estuary Ecosystem Indicator Research Consortium Director; 20032005)

Environmental Science Seminar

Exxon Valdez and BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spills and Recommendations for Future Countermeasures
by Arloe Fontenot, B.S., Environmental and Interdisciplinary Sciences
2015-04-30, 06:00 PM in NSB 303H


Environmental Science Seminar

Opportunities for Interaction and Collaboration Between NIST and Students and Faculty from Texas Southern University
by Willie E. May, Ph.D. , Acting Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
2015-04-27, 06:15 PM in NSB 303H


Environmental Science Seminar

Air Pollution and its Impact on the Environment.
by Bernhard Rappenglueck, Ph.D., University of Houston Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
2015-04-22, 06:00 PM in NSB 303H


Environmental Science Seminar

Ph.D. Defense seminar: Phytoremediation of Soil Contaminated with Used Motor Oil (Green House Study
by Taofeek Olonode, EIS/ ETox PhD student
2015-04-16, 03:00 PM in NSB 303H


Environmental Science Seminar

New Insights in Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Biology
by Cornelis Elferink, Ph.D., UTMB Pharmacology and Toxicology
2015-04-08, 06:00 PM in NSB 303H


Environmental Science Seminar

MS Thesis Defense: Evaluation of Antiproliferative and Cytotoxic Properties of Herbal Supplement SAABFAT6 on Human Colorectal Adenocarcinoma (HT29) and Human Alveolar Adenocarcinoma (A549) Cell Lines
by Syntia Kwende, B.S., Environmental and Interdisciplinary Sciences
2015-03-27, 02:00 PM in NSB 303H


Environmental Science Seminar

Mercury contamination and bioaccumulation trends in East Tennessee Watersheds
by Maruthi Sridhar Balaji Bhaskar, Ph.D., EIS
2015-03-25, 05:00 PM in NSB 303H


Environmental Science Seminar

MS Thesis Defense: Fate and Transport of Triclosan in Upper Brays Bayou, Houston, Texas
by Djene Keita, B.S., Environmental and Interdisciplinary Sciences
2015-03-20, 02:00 PM in NSB 303H


Environmental Science Seminar

Differentiation of natural origins (hatchery-reared vs. wild) of juvenile steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by strontium isotopes and somatic body mass growth dilutions of PCBs
by Hyun-Min Hwang, Ph.D., EIS
2015-02-25, 05:00 PM in NSB 303H
