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L. Lloyd Woods Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Shell Oil Endowed Chaired Professor of Environmental Toxicology
SB 403L | (713) 313.7452
Curriculum Vitae

Education and Training

  • Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Chemistry Ph.D. 1976
  • Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA Chemistry MS 1972
  • Alabama State University, Montgomery, AL Chemistry BS 1966
  • R.E. Hunts High School, Columbus, MS College Prep 1962


Michigan State University Department of Chemistry Excellence-in-Teaching Citation, 1975

Briargate Civic Club Distinguished Service Award, 1978

Briargate Community Citizen of the Year Award, 1980

Briargate Civic Club Distinguished Service Award, 1980

Marquis Who’s Who in Frontier Science and Technology, 1982

Kappa Alpha Psi Distinguished Service Award, 1982

Kappa Alpha Psi Achievement Award, 1983

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Community Service Award, 1983

National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers Appreciation Award, 1984

Houston Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity 1984 Spotlight Award Who’s Who in Texas, 1985

National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers Outstanding Teacher Award, 1985

Ruby W. Hilliard Memorial Professional Achievement Award, 1985

Who’s Who Among Black Americans, 1987

“Albert Einstein” World Award of Science Diploma, 1987

Fellow, The American Institute of Chemists, 1988

Texas Southern University Researcher of the Year, 1988

Kappa Alpha Psi Distinguished Service Award, 1988

Kappa Alpha Psi Southwest Province Graduate Brother of the Year Award, 1988

First White House Initiative Faculty Award for Excellence in Science and Technology, 1988

The Audrey Logan Citizenship Award, 1988

Texas Southern University Program Council’s “Showcase” of Black Talent Award, 1989

Texas Southern University’s College of Arts & Sciences Outstanding Teacher Award, 1989

Texas Southern University’s McCleary Teacher of the Year Award, 1989

Briarchase Baptist Church Outstanding Black Achiever Award, 1990

Fort Bend County Commissioner’s Distinguished Service Award, 1989

Houston’s Mystic Knights, Man of the Year, 1990

Fellow, Texas Academy of Science, 1991

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Men on the Move in the 90’s Award, 1992

Texas Justice Court Certificate of Special Recognition, 1992

Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Certificate of Appreciation, 1992

Who’s Who in American Education, 1992

Who’s Who Worldwide, 1992

National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers Appreciation Award, 1993

National Technical Association Scientist of the Year Award, 1993

Texas Southern University’s Ocean of Soul “Back in Stride” Award, 1993

Gulf Coast Chapter of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers Appreciation Award, 1994

Listed Among American Men and Women of Science, 1994

Briarchase Baptist Church Man of the Year Award, 1996

Alabama State University Alumni of Distinction Award, 1997

Listed Among American Men and Women of Science, 1997

Houston Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Cleveland B. Davis Kappa Achiever Award, 1999

Texas Southern University Student Support Services Award, 2001

Texas Southern University Student Support Services Award, 2002

University of Houston Downtown Salute, 2002

Houston League of Business and Professional Women Ombudsmen Men of Valor and Achievement Award, 2002

Kappa Alpha Psi, Laurel Wreath Recipient, 2005

Fellow, African Scientific Institute, 2006

Texas Southern University, Missouri City Links, STEM-ulating College for a Day Award, 2009

Minority Access Mentor Award, 2009

Texas Southern University, Missouri City Links, STEM-ulating College for a Day Award, 2010

Texas Southern University, College of Science and Technology, Leadership Award, 2011

Texas Southern University, Missouri City Links, STEM-ulating College for a Day Award, 2011

Fellow, American Chemical Society, Since 2011

Texas Southern University, College of Science and Technology, Leadership Award, 2011

Texas Southern University, Missouri City Links, STEM-ulating College for a Day Award, 2011

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Mentor Award for Lifetime Achievement, 2011

Michigan State Universitys College of Natural Science, Outstanding Alumni Award, 2012

College of Science and Technology Undergraduate Advisor/Mentoring Award, 2012

Texas Southern University Presidential Achievement Medal Award, 2012

Texas Southern University, College of Science and Technology, Distinguished Service Award, 2013

Texas Southern University, University Distinguished Service Award, 2013

BEYA STEM Black Engineer Promotion of Education Award, 2013


After graduating from R.E. Hunts High School, Columbus Mississippi in 1962, Dr. Bobby L. Wilson went on to earn a BS degree in Chemistry from Alabama State University in 1966 and the MS degree in Chemistry from Southern University in 1972. He culminated his academic training by taking a Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from Michigan State University in 1976.

Dr. Wilson has distinguished himself as a professor, scientist and an administrator. Since 1976, Wilson has been employed at Texas Southern University in many capacities. Currently, Dr. Wilson is L. Lloyd Woods Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Shell Oil Endowed Chaired Professor of Environmental Toxicology after serving as Acting President, Provost, L. Lloyd Woods Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Shell Oil Endowed Chaired Professor of Environmental Toxicology (4/2006-2/2008); Provost and L. Lloyd Woods Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Shell Oil Endowed Chaired Professor of Environmental Toxicology (8/2004-4/2006); Provost and L. Lloyd Woods Distinguished Professor of Chemistry (9/2001-8/2004); Provost and Professor of Chemistry (10/1999-9/2001); Professor and Chair of Chemistry (9/1997-10/1999); on assignment as Program Director, National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. (2/1996-9/1997); Professor and Chair of Chemistry (9/1995-2/1996); Professor of Chemistry (1/1994-9/1995); Provost and Professor of Chemistry (1/1992-1/1994); Vice President of Academic Affairs and Professor of Chemistry (6/1990-1/1992); Professor and Head of Chemistry (9/1987-9/1989); Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Chemistry (9/1986-9/1987); Professor of Chemistry (9/1985-9/1986); Associate Professor of Chemistry (9/1983-9/1985); on assignment as Visiting Research Professor, Exxon Research and Engineering Company, Baytown, TX (6/1982-9/1983; Associate Professor of Chemistry (1980-1982); and Assistant Professor of Chemistry (1976-1980).

Wilson also served as a Graduate Teaching Assistant, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI (9/1971-6/1976), Science Teacher, Booker T. Washington High School, Montgomery, AL (9/1966-1970), and Science Teacher, Jefferson Davis High School, Montgomery, AL (1970-1971).

Dr. Wilsons administrative accomplishments at Texas Southern University are highlighted through the following: (1) programs enhanced and created to equip students to surpass the requirements of academic and professional proficiency measures, (2) identification of resources to strengthen administrative, faculty, and staff initiatives, (3) promotion of campus outreach programs in the community and surrounding public schools, and (4) productive representation of the institution with public officials.

He has been a driving force in shaping academic science programs nationally. He has also served as a program director at the National Science Foundation. He holds memberships in numerous professional organizations. Dr. Wilson is a member of the Texas Academy of Science (fellow), the American Chemical Society (fellow), the African Scientific Institute (fellow), Sigma XI (fellow), and is the Chair of the Executive Board of the National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE). His combination of discipline, experience, and command of his subject area has enabled him to produce over seventy publications in scientific journals and books. He holds two patents with one pending and is listed in several Whos Who publications. Other honors include the NOBCChE Outstanding Teacher Award, 1985; Texas Southern University Researcher of the Year, 1988; First White House Initiative Faculty Award for Excellence in Science and Technology, 1988; Texas Southern Universitys Teacher of the Year Award, 1989; National Technical Association Scientist of the Year Award, 1993; Alabama State University Alumni of Distinction Award, 1997; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., Laurel Wreath Recipient, 2005; Texas Southern University, Missouri City Links, STEM-ulating College for a Day Award, 2009; Minority Access Mentor Award, 2009; Texas Southern University, Missouri City Links, STEM-ulating College for a Day Award, 2010; Texas Southern University, College of Science and Technology, Leadership Award, 2011; Texas Southern University, Missouri City Links, STEM-ulating College for a Day Award, 2011; American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) mentor Award for Lifetime Achievement, 2012; Michigan State Universitys College of Natural Science, Outstanding Alumni Award, 2012; Texas Southern University, College of Science and Technology Undergraduate Advisor/Mentor Award, 2012; Texas Southern University, Presidential Achievement Medal Award, 2012; Texas Southern University, University Distinguished Service Award, 2013; and BEYA STEM Black Engineer Promotion of Education Award, 2013.

Perhaps his most ambitious and forward-looking venture has been his efforts to help in the establishment of the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) in seven Houston-area colleges and universities. He is the co-principal investigator of this consortium, which is designed to substantially increase the number of underrepresented minorities in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The programs success in producing STEM graduates has earned it the title of Crown Jewel of the National Science Foundations. Its success at Texas Southern University and other Houston-area colleges and universities has been judged to be among the best LSAMP program in the nation. This judgment bears witness to Dr. Wilsons vision and leadership.

Not only is Dr. Wilson nationally known for his remarkable scholarly achievements and publications, he has also been a mentor to over 70 MS degree students in Chemistry and 25 MS and/or Ph.D. degree students in Environmental Toxicology. Wilson was instrumental in establishing the Environmental Toxicology Program as Texas Southern Universitys first Ph.D. program in 1994. Dr. Wilson has also been instrumental in building the research component of the science programs at Texas Southern University. His efforts have generated over 100 million in research and training grants for the university.

Research Interests

Research/Scholarly Activities


Akhter, Asma, (Advisor: B.L. Wilson), Measuring The Trace Metals (Mo, Cd, Sn, U, and Pb) In Drinking Water From The Houston Area By Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS), Texas Southern University, 2013

Tarver, Siobhan, (Advisor: B.L. Wilson), Correlating Biological and Environmental Monitoring Assessing the Risk of Human Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds in the Greater Houston Area, Ph.D., Texas Southern University, 2013

Lyons, L., (Advisor: B.L. Wilson), Study of In Vivo Exposure of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Mouse Liver, Ph.D., Texas Southern University, 2011

Ramadi, M., (Advisor: B.L. Wilson), The Study of Nanomaterials and their Antimicrobial Activity, Ph.D., Texas Southern University, 2009

Oyewole, A., (Advisor: B.L. Wilson) Toxicological Evaluation of SelectedHouston Area Aquatic Systems, Ph.D., Texas Southern University, 2009

Recent Publications (out of a total of xxx)

Clement, J.Q., Lacy, S.M., and Wilson, B.L., Gene Expression Profiling of Human Epidermal Keratinocytes in Simulated Microgravity and Recovery Cultures Geno. Prot. Bioinfo., Vol. 6, No.1, 2008.

Periyakaruppan , A., Sarkar, S., Ravichandran, P., Sadanandan , B., Sharma, C.S, Ramesh , V., Hall, J.C., Thomas, R., Wilson, B.L., and Ramesh, G.T., Uranium induces apoptosis in lung epithelial cells , Arch Toxicology , 2009 June; 83(6) : 595-600.

Prabakaran Ravichandran, Sudhakar Baluchamy, Ramya Gopikrishnan, Santhoshkumar Biradar, Vani Ramesh, Virupaxi Goornavar, Renard Thomas, Bobby L. Wilson, Robert Jeffers, Joseph C. Hall, and Govindarajan T. Ramesh, Pulmonary biocompatibility assessment of inhaled single-wall and multi- wall carbon nanotubes in BALB/C mice, J. Biol. Chem. 2011 jbc.M111.251884. First Published on June 24, 2011, doi:10.1074/jbc.M111.251884.

Keller, R., Bradbury, J., Cramer, R., Erickson, E., Forch, B., Meyer, S., Wilson, B., Disposal Options for the Rocket Motors from Nerve Agent Rockets Stored at Blue Grass Army Depot, National Research Council of the National Academies, Board on Army Science and Technology, International Book Number-13: 978-0-30-26045-9, 2012.

Clemens, P., Wei, X., Wilson, B., Thomas, R., Anatase Titanium Dioxide Coated Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Manufacture by Sonochemical-Hyrdrothermal Technique, Open Journal of Composite Materials, Vol.3 No. 2A, 2013, pp. 21-32. Dol:10.4236/ojcm.2013.32A004.
