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Curriculum Vitae

Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Mathematics, August 2006 University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA
  • M.S., Mathematics, June 2000 Zhejiang Normal University, China
  • B.S., Mathematics, June 1997 Zhejiang Normal University, China

Research Interests

My research is in the area of nonlinear dynamical systems with focuses on theory on dynamics of networks of differential equations and its applications. Currently, I work on

    • Theory of coupled cell systems
    • Dynamics of network motifs
    • Dynamics of generalized rivalry network
    • Data Science

External Grants

  1. Air Force Office of Scientific Research: Center for Scientific Machine Learning for Material Sciences ($2,225,000) 10/01/2023 – 9/30/2026, PI: Yunjiao Wang (TSU), Co-PI: Daniel Vrinceanu (TSU), Mohsen Taheri Andani (TAMU), Noushin Ghaffari (PVAMU), Lin Li (PVAMU) and Veera Sundararaghavan (UMich).
  2. NSF(CNS-1831980) – Excellence in Research: Collaborative Research: Strengthen the Foundation of Big Data Analytics via Interdisciplinary Research among HBCUs ($466,515) 10/1/2018 – 9/30/2021, PI at TSU Yunjiao Wang; co-PI at TSU: Daniel Vrinceanu, Leading Institution: Prairie View A&M , PI: Lei Huang
  3. NSF – Conference: Invitation to Mathematics ($ 17,312). 8/1/2018 – 7/31/2019,  (PI: Saydam, co-PI: Wang).
  4. NSF – Research Initiation Award: Studying the Dynamics of Network Systems by Using

    Ordinary Differential Equations and Boolean Frameworks ($283,194). 5/1/2018 – 4/30/2021, PI

  5. DHS – Preparing Technically Savvy Homeland Security Professionals for maritime  transportation security ($800,000). 9/1/2014 – 8/30/2019 (PI: Yi Qi, Co-PIs: Miao Pan, Yunjiao Wang)

Internal Grant

Seeds Grant at Texas Southern University ($8,000), 2015.

Recent Publications

L. Huang, D. Vrinceanu, Y. Wang, N. Kulathunga and N. Ranasinghe. Discovering Nonlinear Dynamics Through Scientific Machine Learning, IntelliSys 2021 proceedings.

N. Kulathunga, N. Ranasinghe, K. Kingsman, D. Vrinceanu, L. Huang, and Y. Wang. Effects of Nonlinearity and Network Architecture on the Performance of Supervised Neural Networks, Algorithms 2021, 14, 51.

Y. Wang, Z. Kilpatrick and K. Josic. A hierarchical model of perceptual multistability involving interocular grouping. Journal of computational Neuroscience.  2020. (DOI: 10.1007/s10827-020-00743-8)

M. Golubitsky, Y. Zhao, Y. Wang and Z. Lu. The Symmetry of Generalized Rivalry Network Models Determines Patterns of Interocular Grouping in Four-Location Binocular Rivalry, J. Neurophysiology. Sept. 18, 2019 (doi:10.1151/jn.00438.2019).

A. Ben-Tal, Y. Wang, and M. C. Leite. The logic behind neural control of breathing pattern. Scientific Reports 9: 9078, 2019. (

Y. Wang, K. Chilakamarri, D. Kazakos and M. C. Leite. Relations between dynamics of network systems and their subnetwork systems.AIMS Mathematics, 2(3): 437-450, 2017

Y. Wang, B. Omidiran, F. Kigwe and K. Chilakamarri. Relations between the conditions of admitting cycles in Boolean and ODE network systems, Involve, Vol.10, No.5, (2017),813. DOI 10.2140/involve.2017.10.813 (B. Omidiran and F. Kigwe were two undergraduates).

A. Jacot-Guillarmod, Y. Wang, C. Pedroza, H. Ogmen, Z. Kilpatrick, K. Josic. Extending Levelt’s Propositions to perceptual multistability involving interocular grouping. Vision Research. Volume 133, April 2017, Pages 37-46.

C. Diekman, M. Golubitsky and Y. Wang. Derived Patterns in Binocular Rivalry Networks. J. Math. Neuro. (2013)

C. Diekman, M. Golubitsky, T. McMillen and Y. Wang. Reduction and dynamics of a generalized network with two learned patterns. SIAM J. Appl. Dynam. Sys.11 (4) (2012) 1270-1309.

M. Golubitsky, D. Romano, and Y. Wang. Network Periodic Solution: Rigid phase shift. Nonlinearity. 25 (2012) 1045-1074.

Y. Wang, P.Paszek, C. A. Horton, H. Yue, M. R.White, D.B. Kell, M. R. Muldoon and D.S. Broomhead. A systematic study of the response of a NF-kappaB signalling pathway to TNFalpha stimulation. 297 (2012) 137-147. Journal of Theoretical Biology

Y. Wang, P. Paszek, C. A. Horton, D. B. Kell and M. R. White, D. S. Broomhead and M. R. Muldoon. Interactions among oscillatory pathways in NF-kappaB signalling. 5(23), 2011.BMC Systems Biology