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Associate Professor
TECH 205 | (713) 313.1864
Curriculum Vitae

Education and Training

  • Bachelor of Science in Physics, Cum Laude Virginia State University, Petersburg, Virginia, May 1992
  • Master of Science in Physics Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia, May 1995
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Experimental Nuclear Physics Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia, May 2001


Dr. Mark C. Harvey received a B.S. degree in physics from Virginia State University (Petersburg, VA).  He completed his graduate studies in physics at Hampton University (Hampton, VA) where he earned his M.S. in physics and Ph.D. in experimental nuclear physics. Dr. Harvey’s doctoral research experiment in medium energy nuclear physics was carried out at the National Institute for Nuclear and High Energy Physics in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. After earning his doctoral degree, Dr. Harvey became a postdoctoral research assistant in the PHENIX collaboration at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (Upton, NY) in relativistic heavy ion collision physics.  After completing his postdoc at Brookhaven, Dr. Harvey taught introductory physics courses for one year at the Rochester Institute of Technology (Rochester, NY), before returning to research as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (Houston, TX).  He has been awarded federally funded grants from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.  Currently, Dr. Harvey’s research interests include (1) radiation dose assessment in environmental and medical health physics and (2) high-energy nuclear physics; using advanced data analysis methods, radiation detection apparatuses and Monte Carlo techniques. He has mentored underrepresented STEM students on research involving both computational modeling and/or measurement of stray radiation at various facilities including the National Synchrotron Light Source II and the McGovern School of Medicine at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Dr. Harvey is an associate professor of physics and has served as both the director and primary instructor of the health physics program at Texas Southern University.

Research Interests

  • medical health physics & environmental health physics
  • gamma radiation dose rate and spectroscopy measurement
  • environmental radioactivity
  • radiation biology
  • J/psi particle production in ultra-peripheral collisions
  • radionuclide production and nuclear astrophysics


Principal Investigator, Secondary Neutron Exposures in Pediatric Proton Radiotherapy, National Institutes of Health F32, 2008


Co-Investigator, Faculty Support for Developing Radiation Dosimetry Research in Health Physics using Monte Carlo Techniques at Texas Southern University, Nuclear Regulatory Commission HR-FN-1009-NED02, 2010


Principal Investigator, Medical Health Physics Scholarship Program at Texas Southern University, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC-HQ-84-14-FOA-0003, 2014


Co-Investigator, Unified Approach to Increase STEM Undergraduate Students Employment in the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research ONR FOA 14-002, 2014


Principal Investigator, Medical Health Physics Scholarship Program at Texas Southern University, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC-HQ-84-16-FOA-0001, 2016


Co-Investigator, Undergraduate Peer-Mentor Project-Based Program in STEM at Texas Southern University, National Science Foundation HRD-1719318, 2017


Principal Investigator, Contract – Texas Southern University, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) 582-20-10298, 2019


Co-Investigator, HBCU Collision Collaboration – J/psi Peripheral Collision Analysis and Detection, National Science Foundation EiR-1901420, 2019