From Left to right: Dr.Saydam (CO-I), Dr.Sapp (CO-I), Dr.Sundaresan (PI), Dr.Harvey (CO-PI), Dr.Peltier-Glaze (CO-I)
TSU was recently awarded a National Science Foundation Targeted Infusion Grant under PI, Dr. Alamelu Sundaresan, with Co-PI Dr. Mark Harvey and CO-Is Drs. John Sapp, Azime Saydam and Bernnell Peltier-Glaze. This project combines structured peer-mentor infused curricula coupled with faculty mentored summer research for the following courses within COSET: MATH 136, CHEM 131, PHYS 237 and BIOL 131. The main objective of the proposal is to increase STEM retention of underrepresented students by offering dedicated peer mentoring and supervised faculty research opportunities. We are excited about this first full-fledged project of its kind at TSU consisting of an active learning concept and associated peer-mentoring, which will benefit both TSU students and the above four departments from June 2017 – May 2020. Peer mentors will be selected from upperclassmen in each of the departments and will be directly supervised by the PI, Co-PI and CO-Is. More to follow…