TSU won the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) 2014 Scientific Leadership Award (SLA) for the program titled “Preparing Technically Savvy Homeland Security Professionals for Maritime Transportation Security”. This grant is competitively awarded to accredited Minority Serving Institutions to improve the capabilities of minority-serving institutions (MSIs) to build Homeland Security Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (HS-STEM) capabilities , establish related curricula and courses of study, support the development of early-career faculty, and recruit and mentor students.
The goal of TSU’s DHS SLA program is to foster and broaden TSU’s existing Bachelor of Science program in Maritime Transportation Management and Security through interdisciplinary undergraduate research and education. To achieve this goal, the proposed education program will have the following three specific objectives:
1. Develop an integrated research and education program to provide innovative technology solutions for the Homeland Security
Enterprise (HSE), particularly for maritime transportation security.
2. Develop an interdisciplinary undergraduate curriculum to prepare a technically savvy workforce in Maritime Transportation Security.
3. Increase the number and quality of students who graduate in a STEM discipline within Minority Serving Institutions (MSI)
These objectives will be achieved in two phases:
The DHS program seminars were designed to prepare, engage, and educate all undergraduate and graduate students on the various aspects of homeland security. In addition, the lectures provide students the opportunity to meet and network with various industry professionals. These seminars have been critical in the growth of the students’ and professors’ knowledge of each topic presented. In 2017, three seminars were organized:
In 2018, one seminar has been organized so far. Please click the file name below to download the presentation:
For more details about the program, please click the file name below to download our annual reports.