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The Department of Mathematics offers the Master of Science program in Mathematics with the accelerated Master of Science program in Mathematics (5-year BS to MS).

Degree PlanGraduate Courses


All interested applicants please apply to the graduate program for the department of mathematics through the following weblink which includes the admission portal to apply to the Graduate Program:


The mathematics undergraduate students at TSU will have an opportunity to complete the BS and MS degrees at accelerated pace in five years, and the Accelerated MS Program will create a pipeline of students going to Ph.D. granting institutions.


  • Students must have a minimum accumulated grade point average of 3.0/4 at TSU,
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in mathematics major courses,
  • Students’ grades must be posted for all 200 and 300 level required math courses,
  • Students must complete at least 94 credits in the mathematics degree plan, and 
  • Students must not have more than two semesters left in undergraduate program at time of admission to the masters’ program.
  • Transfer students must have completed a minimum of a two full-time semesters and 24 hours at TSU. 

Selected undergraduate students may begin taking graduate courses during their senior year, earning 6 graduate mathematics hours that can be counted toward both the BS in Mathematics and the MS in Mathematics degree. 

Applications cannot be evaluated until these requirements are met and the Graduate School receives the completed application. The entire admission process will be under the direction of the Graduate Faculty Committee in the Department of Mathematics and the Graduate Council in the Graduate School at the University.


The requirements for the master’s degree in mathematics are as follows:

  1. Students must pass an oral proficiency examination on the fundamentals of mathematics during the third semester of the program.  This examination will be administered by the student’s graduate committee and this examination cannot be taken more than two times. 
  2. A minimum of thirty (30) semester hours of graduate work. Some 400-level courses can be counted toward the master’s degree, but at most two such courses.
  3. An acceptable thesis on the subject approved by both the Department of Mathematics and the Graduate School if the thesis option is selected.
  4. Other general University requirements

A student pursuing a Master of Science degree in mathematics is required to enroll in the following courses:

ItemRequirementOptionsHours Required
1Specified  CoursesMath 631Math 633Math 634Math 636Math 73315
Math ElectivesChoose three from:Math 4xxMath 5xxMath 6xxMath 7xx9
3Math Electives or ThesisGraduate level math courses or thesis6
 Total Hours 30