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Master of Science in Environmental Toxicology

Online submission of applications:


Applicants must present Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores (combined verbal and quantitative) which are considered along with the applicant’s undergraduate grade point average that must be at least 2.75 overall or 3.0 in the last sixty (60) hours. In addition to the aforementioned requirements, the socioeconomic background of applicants will be considered in the admission process.

  1. Economic status of family when applicant attended elementary, secondary, and undergraduate school.
  2. Applicant’s status of first-generation to attend undergraduate school.
  3. Applicant’s status of first-generation to attend graduate or professional school.
  4. Applicant is multilingual.
  5. Applicant’s employment while attending undergraduate school.
  6. Applicant’s role in helping rear other children in family.
  7. Applicant’s geographic residence in Texas at time of application.
  8. Geographic region wherein applicant’s high school is located.
  9. Applicant’s demonstration of performance in community activities.
  10. Applicant’s demonstration of commitment to a particular field of study.
  11. The presence of role models with comparable graduate school training in the applicant’s region of residence.
  12. The applicant’s performance during a personal interview.

The applicants are expected to present evidence of having completed the following courses with the indicated total semester credit hours (in parentheses):

  • General Chemistry w/laboratory (8)
  • General Organic Chemistry w/laboratory (8)
  • Biology w/laboratory (8)
  • Physics (8)
  • Calculus (4)


Thesis Track

The requirements for the Master of Science in Environmental Toxicology are summarized below:

  1. Satisfactory performance on the Qualifying Examination.
  2. Completion of a total of twenty-four (24) semester credit hours of graduate level courses. A minimum of nine (9) of these credit hours must be in core courses. A total of fifteen (15) credit hours of electives must be taken. Six (6) credit hours are required for the research thesis.
  3. Completion and presentation (through an oral defense) of a thesis to a committee composed of members of the
    environmental toxicology faculty and representatives of the Graduate School.
  4. Fulfillment of general requirements for graduation as outlined by the Graduate School (see the General Information
    Section of this bulletin).


Master’s degree students will achieve candidacy after passing the qualifying examination, the English proficiency examination, and course work requirements.


Master’s students will achieve residency after completing course requirements.


Students pursuing the master’s degree must write and defend a thesis based on research done on an approved problem in environmental toxicology. The defense of the thesis will be made before the student’s thesis committee.

Nonthesis Track
The requirements for the Master of Science in Environmental Toxicology, nonthesis track, are summarized below:

  1. Satisfactory performance on the Qualifying Examination.
  2. Completion of a total of thirty-six (36) semester credit hours of graduate level credits. A minimum of nine (9) of these
    credit hours must be in core courses. A total of twenty-four (24) credit hours of electives must be taken. Three (3) credit hours are required in ES 725.
  3. Completion and presentation (through an oral defense) of a full review (paper) of an environmental toxicology issue to a
    committee composed of members of the environmental toxicology faculty.
  4. Fulfillment of general requirements for graduation as outlined by the Graduate School (See the General Information
    Section in the Graduate Catalog *link*).


Master’s degree students will achieve candidacy after passing the qualifying examination, the English proficiency examination, and course work requirements.


Students pursuing the master’s degree in the nonthesis track must write and defend a paper based on an approved problem in environmental toxicology. The defense of the paper will be made before a committee composed of members of the environmental toxicology faculty.

Online submission of applications: